A Letter of Thanks to a Nice Guy

October 15, 2019 - I would like to thank the young gentleman that paid for my lunch yesterday at “Royal Buffet.”

I was having sort of a bad day and went to “Royal Buffet” to eat a bite and just relax. My Brother lost his battle with Cancer on Sunday and he was really on my mind.

My waitress never came to my table with my ticket. So, when I went to pay out I told the young man I didn’t get a ticket. He grinned really big and said, ‘Your lunch has been paid for.” I said, “Oh no!” I didn’t pay for my lunch. He grinned again and said, “Someone paid for your lunch today.” I said,” That can’t be I don’t know anyone in here.” That was when he told me the young man sitting across from me had paid for my lunch. Oh my goodness! I was so surprised!! He said, “He was a really nice guy.”

So, I just want to say.” There really are Angels among us.” He brightened my day and made me smile. His family should be very proud of him!

Nancy Stevens