August 25, 2022 - A meeting of the Safety and Security Committee of the Shelbyville Independent School District will be held on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 beginning at 12:00 noon, in the Board Room of the Shelbyville Indepedent School District at 5322 St. Hwy 87 S., Shelbyville, Texas.
The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are listed below. Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on this meeting notice. Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.
1. Call to order
2. Invocation
3. Minutes of previous meeting
4. Introduction of Committee Members
5. Committee Organization
6. Executive Session:
a. Review Emergency Operating Plan
b. Review Summer Safety Audit
7. Open Session
8. Adjournment
If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the committee will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E or Texas Government Code section 418.183(f). Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open meeting. [See BEC(LEGAL)]
This notice was posted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act on August 25, 2022 at 12:00 noon.