TAGHS Welcomes Scott Sosebee to Speak about "America’s Team and Texas’ Team"

February 3, 2025 - Timpson Area Genealogy and Heritage Society is excited to announce the annual visit of Scott Sosebee on Wednesday, February 19, at 2pm at the Timpson Public Library annex. Mr. Sosebee will speak about "America's Team and Texas' Team: Two Cities, Two Football Teams, and Two Identities in the 1970s. He has been researching this topic for a book he is authoring.

A professor of history at Stephen F. Austin State University since 2006, Mr. Sosebee is Executive Director and Editor of East Texas Historical Association. He is a published author. His audiences are always inspired by his research and enthusiasm for his subject matter.

The public is invited to attend. The library is located on the corner of Austin and Bremond Streets. Anyone with questions may call 936 615 7262.