Tenaha Students Work Together on the Marshmallow Challenge

December 17, 2015 - While studying what it takes to be a good team member and the benefits of teamwork Mrs. Cindy's 8th grade Career Portals class participated in the "Marshmallow Challenge". They were given 20 sticks of spaghetti, 4 mini marshmallows, 1 yard of string and 1 yard of masking tape. The challenge was to, using only the materials provided, work as a team to see which team could construct the tallest tower in a 20 minute time period. At the end of the challenge the team of Hayden Jenkins, Nicholas Watson and Korte Malmay won the challenge with a tower standing 45" tall.

Winners of Marshmallow Challenge Hayden Jenkins, Korte Malmay, and Nicholas Watson (standing)Students work together to analyze, make a plan, and construct the tallest Marshmallow tower!