Unofficial Center ISD Board Meeting Minutes, June 13

June 16, 2017 - A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Center Independent School District (CISD) was held on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 beginning at 6pm at Center Independent School District Administration Board Room located at 107 Private Road 605 in Center, Texas 75935.

1. Call Meeting to Order and Establish a Quorum

James Greer called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and declared a quorum.

Present: James Greer; John Henry Holloway; Allison Johnson; Daphne LaRock; Casey Lout; Matthew Mettauer; Traci Willoughby and Betty McDaniel, Director of Finance and James Hockenberry, Superintendent

Absent: None

Visitors: Tina Byrnes, Southwest Food Service; Matthew Gregory, CHS Principal; Jimmie Johnston, Southwest Food Service; Shelly Norvell, CES Principal and Mickey Wulf, Director of Special Services

2. Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance

James Greer gave the invocation, and Casey Lout led the Pledges of Allegiance.

3. Public Comments/Audience Participation


4. Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Traci Willoughby, seconded by Casey Lout to approve the consent agenda consisting of the minutes from the regular meeting on May 11, 2017 and the special called meeting on June 1, 2017, Investment Report (May 2017); Tax Collection Report (May 2017); Financial Reports (May 2017); payment approvals over $50,000 and Overnight Student Activity Trips.

The motion carried 7-0.

5. Consideration and Approval of the 2017-2018 concussion Oversight Team and Concussion Management Protocols

A motion was made by John Henry Holloway, seconded by Matthew Mettauer to approve the 2017-2018 Concussion Management Team and protocols.

The motion carried 7-0.

6. Discussion and Consideration of Benefits and Compensation for 2017-2018 School Year

The 2017-2018 preliminary budget is under design. More information is necessary before any firm decision as it relates to compensation and benefits. A special legislative session has been called with several educational topics, including school finance, being placed on the agenda. The potential outcomes of the special session could impact funding, thus compensation and benefits. As a result, the District remains optimistic, yet cautious, as it moves forward with the 2017-2018 budget process.

7. Consideration and Approval of Local Policy

A motion was made by Allison Johnson, seconded by Matthew Mettauer to approve Local Policy DC and retain the suggested deleted language by TASB regarding the exit interviews.

The motion carried 7-0.

8. Consideration and Approval of TASB Localized Policy Update 108

A motion was made by John Henry Holloway, seconded by Daphne LaRock to approve the TASB Localizes Policy Update 108.

The motion carried 7-0.

9. Closed Session

James Greer called for a closed session at 6:15 p.m. under Texas Government Code §551.074 and §551.072 for consideration of employment of contracted personnel, resignation/retirement, extended emergency sick leave and Superintendent’s evaluation and contract.

Matthew Mettauer left the meeting at 6:45 p.m.

10. Open Session

The Board returned into open session at 8:20 p.m.  No action was taken in closed session.

10.1 District Employees and Officers:  Texas Government Code §551.074

10.1.1 There were no resignations presented by Dr. Hockenberry.

10.1.2 The names of the new personnel were presented by Dr. Hockenberry.  No     action required by the Board as the Superintendent was granted contractual authority on June 1, 2017.

Keely Ritter, Primary Teacher, FLM
Chloe Rogers, Primary Teacher, FLM
Lana Whitworth, Assistant Principal, CES

10.1.3 There were no extended emergency sick leaves to be considered by the Board.
10.1.4 There was no action taken regarding the Superintendent’s evaluation and contract.

11. Adjournment

A motion was made by Casey Lout, seconded by Daphne LaRock to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 p.m.

The motion carried 6-0.