Weather Stats for February 2016

March 2, 2016 - Attached is the February, 2016 Center, TX  Weather Report prepared and submitted by Jim and Ann Forbes, U.S. Weather Observers.

Highest Temp was 79 degrees on 2-11-16 and 2-19-2016
Highest Temp on Record was 90 degrees on 2-21-1986
Lowest Temp was 25 degrees on 2-05-2016
Lowest Temp on Record was 0 on 2-02-1951
Rainfall Recorded was 2.34 inches
Average Monthly Rainfall is 4.95 inches
Below Average by 2.61 inches
Highest Recorded for this Month was 8.90 inches in 2003
Lowest Recorded for this Month was 0.34 inches in 1996
We had 4 days of 32 degrees or lower on the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 26th
January and February Rainfall totaled 6.01 inches
Average January and February Rainfall is 9.40 inches
Below Average by 3.39 inches
It's beginning to look like Spring has sprung with the beautiful daffodils, quince, tulip magnolias, wild plum trees,  redbud trees and tulip magnolia trees blooming and the other trees putting out leaves!