
AgriLife Hosting Beef Cattle Seminar (Today)

September 27, 2022 - (Flyer) Shelby County Texas A&M AgriLife Extension office is hosting a Beef Cattle Seminar, Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 starting with meal at 5:30PM, and program at 6pm at the Extension Office. Admission: $20 if you RSVP by September 20, 2022, $30 at the door with the meal provided. RSVP by coming by the office. Make checks payable to the Youth Ag Fund. No CEUs Offered.

Summer Fish Kills

July 11, 2022 - There are a few ways that pond owners could experience a major fish die-off during these hot, dry summer months. Warm water already holds less dissolved oxygen than cold water and, when coupled with too large a fish population and the following conditions, we can expect to have fish die-offs. Ponds can maintain a maximum fish population of 1000 pounds of fish per surface acre.


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