SFA Press Release

SFA’s STEM Academy Provides Area Students Hands-on Research Opportunities

June 26, 2020 - Sounds of chirping frogs filled the air, but it wasn’t coming from the pond students in Stephen F. Austin State University’s STEM Academy sat near. Sarah Riley and Kennedy Tinajero listened intently on a laptop to breeding frog calls they recorded, counting the number of frogs and seeking to identify the different types of calls for a project examining the factors that influence frog behavior.

SFA Fine Arts Podcast Shares Online Instructional Ideas

June 25,2020 - Like all universities and public and private school systems across the globe, Stephen F. Austin State University found itself in mid-March suddenly shifting from delivering all in-person classroom instruction to online.

Some courses adapt to remote instruction easier than others. Scott Shattuck, associate dean of the SFA College of Fine Arts, was especially curious to learn how faculty members in the schools of art, music and theatre would teach performance skills and studio art technique courses through remote delivery.

SFA Counseling Clinic to Host Free Online Stress Management Group Series

June 25, 2020 — The Counseling Clinic at Stephen F. Austin State University will be hosting a free weekly tension, stress management and relaxation group starting at 3 p.m. July 1 via Zoom.

All are welcome to join the one-hour, open discussions and learn new relaxation techniques to better manage stress.

Research has shown that prolonged stress can cause or exacerbate many serious health problems, including:

SFA Announces Recipients of 2020 Research and Creative Activity Grants

June 25, 2020 - Stephen F. Austin State University’s Office of Research and Graduate Studies (ORGS) has announced the recipients of its annual Research and Creative Activity grants. The RCA grant program was created to help support the initial research efforts of SFA faculty members and to help prepare them and their research for submission to national grant programs.

SFA Researchers Study Iconic, Threatened Turtle Species of the Southeast

June 18, 2020 - During one of the last cool mornings in May, an aluminum boat filled with four Stephen F. Austin State University researchers navigated a muddy waterway to a hoop net trap located under the drooping limbs of a streamside tree. As forestry graduate student David Rosenbaum balanced on the bow of the boat and hoisted the trap above the water, Dr. Christopher Schalk, assistant professor of forest wildlife management, released a shout of excitement as the wide, spiked, moss-covered shell of an alligator snapping turtle became visible.


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