Submitted by Osha Meyers

Dreka Pentecostal Church Chicken Spaghetti Fundraiser (Canceled)

June 27, 2018 - Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but we have had to cancel the chicken spaghetti fundraiser on Friday for Dreka Pentecostal Church  until further notice due to uncontrollable circumstances.

June 26, 2018 - The Dreka Pentecostal Church will be having a chicken spaghetti plate luncheon fundraiser on Friday, June 29 from 11-2 to replace the icebox in the fellowship hall that has quit working.

Dreka UPC Update “Exciting Happenings”

February 6, 2017 - Starting Feb. 12 we will only have one service, and it will begin at 1pm. We will start off with an hour of Sunday school and then go into worship service / preaching.
The kids will start off with their Sunday school class and then join everyone for worship service. Then they will be dismissed again to go to kids power hour where there will be puppets, interactive songs, snacks, and much more for them.

Please make note of this change and we hope to see you there. 

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