Submitted by Randy Collard

Center Weather Stats for July 2022

August 3, 2022 - The month of July 2022 had 20 days of triple digit temperatures with an 8 day streak of 100 plus degrees starting on July 6th. Each time the temps got below 100, a little rain fell the day before.

July did have 3 times more days of rain fall than June. The total for June was 0.26 inches and the total rain for July was 2.41 inches. Much more rain is needed.

The weather data for Center, Texas during the month of July 2022 is as follows:

Center Weather Stats for June 2022

July 7, 2022 - The month of June 2022 ended on a cooler note after having 5 days of triple digit temperatures, June 22-26. The slight break from the heat wave had two somewhat blissful summer days with the lows making it into the high 60s. All together June had three days with the lows in the 67-69 degrees range.

The weather data for Center, Texas during the month of June 2022 is as follows:

Hottest temperature - 104.2 on June 25
Lowest temperature - 67.1 on June 29
Total rain fall for the month - 0.26 inches
Number of days with rain - 2 days

Center Weather Stats for May 2022

June 2, 2022 - The month of May 2022 had 19 days of 90 degrees and above temperatures and only 1 day, May 23rd, with the day’s high in the 70s.

The weather data for Center, Texas during the month of May 2022 is as follows:

Hottest temperature - 93.9 on May 18
Lowest temperature - 55.9 on May 27
Total rain fall for the month - 5.80 inches
Number of days with rain - 7 days

Center Weather Stats for April 2022

May 3, 2022 - The month of April 2022 had 16 days of 80 degrees and above temperatures and only 1 day with the low being in the 30s.

The weather data for Center, Texas during the month of April 2022 is as follows:

Hottest temperature day - 87.4 on April 16
Lowest temperature day - 37.2 on April 9
Total rain fall for the month - 7.70 inches
Number of days with rain - 7 days

Center Weather Stats for March 2022

April 4, 2022 - The month of March 2022 had 6 days of 80 degrees and above temperatures and 3 days with the low being below freezing. The weather data for Center, Texas during the month of March 2022 is as follows:

Hottest day - 84.6 on March 27
Lowest temperature day - 27.0 on March 12
Total rain fall for the month - 9.22 inches
Number of days with rain - 12 days

Center Weather Stats for February 2022

March 7, 2022 - The month of February 2022 had 10 days with 70 and above degrees and 1 day with the low temperature being freezing or below. The weather data for Center, Texas during the month of February 2022 is as follows:

Hottest day - 80.4 on February 21
Lowest temperature day - 19.8 on February 5
Total rain fall for the month - 2.03 inches
Number of days with rain - 13 days

Center Weather Stats for January 2022

February 1, 2022 - The month of January 2022 had 7 days with 70 and above degrees and 15 days with the low temperature being freezing or below. The weather data for Center, Texas during the month of January  2022 is as follows:

Hottest day - 82.0 on January 1
Lowest temperature day - 21.7 on January 22
Total rain fall for the month - 4.56 inches
Number of days with rain - 6 days


Subscribe to RSS - Submitted by Randy Collard