January 2, 2023 - Good Morning! It’s Monday, January 2.

Our Daily Devotions have been on a two-week holiday break. Hope you and yours had a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! This morning we begin the fourth year of sending out these little thoughts. Thank you to all our email readers and to those who follow the devotions on Shelby County Today and Face Book. I appreciate each one of you and pray that our daily connections will be a blessing to you in 2023.

On January 2, 1962, four scruffy looking musicians arrived at a recording studio. They were there for an audition and were hoping to get their first record deal. The audition ended with no comment from the record company executive. Several weeks passed with no word. Finally, the group's manager called the studio and received a response from the executive, a response that has become the most infamous, short-sighted, wrong-headed evaluation in music history. He told the manager, "your boys will never make it in show business!"

The Beatles got their record deal later that year from another company, recorded a hit song, and never looked back. They became the most successful group in entertainment history, sold over 600 million records, and influenced every popular musician who came after them. The "boys" did ok in show business after all. And that record executive had to live the rest of his life with the knowledge that the future of music was playing in his studio . . . and he didn't recognize it.

In Isaiah 43:19, God says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” As I read that familiar passage at the start of a new year, it is a reminder that God wants to do a new work in my life, in my ministry, in my church. But I am also reminded that I have a part to play as well. My part is to see what God is doing, perceive it, recognize it. And then move in the direction that He is going. I have to follow Him.

Thoughts for a new year.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David

Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? Amos 3:3

January 2, 2023 - Dr. H. D. Bruce was the President of The East Baptist University where I graduated in 1958. We were required to attend Chapel every morning, and that meant hearing Dr. Bruce’s welcome each semester. I heard it for four years and know it by heart. It was his advice to the College’s ministerial students, most of them still single. He began: “Men, get you a good wife because no man goes any further than a good woman pushes him. And remember, ‘she aint gonna push where she aint gonna go”. 

Over the years, some of my preacher friends were pushed by a wife who pushed in the wrong direction. “If you still want to be a preacher, you’ll go alone” has been a deadly ultimatum to many. When I was a young feller, I thought the best marriages came when opposites married. But how wrong could I have been? Some think that all they need is union but tying two cats together and hanging them over a wire gives you that. Union is getting together. Unity is getting along together. And a good marriage needs both.

So Dr. Bruce was right.

December 30, 2022 - St. John Baptist Church Africa Community is hosting a 2022 Watch Night Service on Saturday, December 31 at 10pm with Pastor Winston Kibbles.

Tim PerkinsDecember 29, 2022 - I once read where someone said the most dangerous thing in the world is to try to leap over a chasm in two jumps. That ranks right up there with the story of the young boy who cut his puppy’s tail off an inch at the time so it wouldn’t hurt so badly by cutting the entire tail off all at once. Both of those little stories illustrate the tragic mistake many people make about Jesus.

Living for Jesus is not a partial thing nor is it a sometime thing. Living for the Lord is an all or nothing commitment. As we have said on many occasions, if Jesus is not Lord of all of your life, He is not Lord at all in your life. Attempting to live for Jesus without a total commitment is like trying to leap a chasm in two jumps,. You leave one bank and miss the other. Here is the way Jesus put it. “He that is not for me is against me,” (Matthew 12:20). Jesus Christ will not share a divided heart. We must give him our all, our life, our talents, our service.

The second story shows us another side of commitment to Jesus. You see, commitment to one thing means forsaking something else. We cannot hold on to the Lord and the world. Often, folks try and give up the world like that little boy cut off the puppy’s tail, a little at a time. The result is the same, pain is multiplied.

We must commit every part of our lives to Jesus and give up the baubles of the world in cleaving to the Lord. Let’s resolve that in the coming you that we will live for Jesus, wholeheartedly and unreservedly.

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com

Merry Christmas!

December 26, 2022 - Grace and peace from our brother Jesus, Amen. We at Paxton Methodist hope everyone has a joyful Christmas holiday. We don’t have a “white Christmas” but it’s sure a cold one! Most people on the Joaquin water system as well as other water systems that depend on the Joaquin system are without water. So many people are not only without water but also electricity. It is suppose to get above freezing again so maybe the hard-working crews can get things going again.

Paxton Methodists chose to worship on Christmas Eve and not on Christmas morning. We had a good crowd, at least by Paxton standards, and the congregation included our daughter Megan. Our Gathering Hymn was “O Come All Ye Faithful,” which we sang instead of just listening. Sue led us in our Gathering Words based On Isaiah 9: 2 & 6: The prophet speaks of light coming to dispel the darkness and a child who would lead. Sue also led us in our Affirmation and Apostles’ Creed and then shared some Advent Moments. The Gospel lesson was Matthew 1: 18-25.

The next hymn was “Joy to the World,” followed by “Silent Night,” two Christmas favorites. Our bulletin quote was brief but meaningful, from Alexander Smith a Scottish poet: “Christmas is the day that holds all time together.” This statement was below a silhouetted Nativity scene set against a photo of the Eye of God nebula. My sermon was titled “Going Home,” about the importance of family and home always—but especially at Christmas.

During December Paxton Methodist has been collecting cans and boxes of soup for Community Christian Services. I plan to take the soup and a couple of checks to CCS this week. Traditionally, Paxton Methodist collects cans of tuna in January. All of us want to wish Fred a happy 92nd birthday! Fred was born on Christmas Day, although the doctor recorded 12/26.

In speaking to the folks who are organizing the Eastern District of the Global Methodist Church, I found they will have a minister coming to Paxton on Sunday, January 8th. My last Sunday then will be New Year’s Day. It has been a true joy being the pastor at Paxton. I am going to miss seeing everyone each Sunday. If you are looking for a church with kind, compassionate, caring people, Paxton Methodist would be a great choice. You will be welcomed with open arms.

Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here. Paxton Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds.” Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist, you can send your email address to the Paxton email address, and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed.

December 22, 2022 - Center Christian Church is hosting a Christmas Eve candlelight service at 5:30pm. The church is located on SH 87 North (Timpson Hwy), across from Holiday Nursing Center.

December 22, 2022 - First Baptist Center hosted a brand-new community holiday event this year - Journey to Bethlehem. Over 450 friends from Shelby County came out to walk through Old Bethlehem, to hear Christmas music, and to receive a warm holiday greeting from the church family at First Baptist.

December 22, 2022 - Please join us at Tenaha First Baptist Church on Saturday evening at 6:00pm for our candlelight service and then again on Sunday morning at 10:00am to celebrate the birth of our Savior!! All other services and activities for the week have been dismissed so we can all celebrate with our families and loved ones.

December 22, 2022 - There is a sad and tragic statement in the Gospel According to Luke in regard to the coming of our Savior into this world. Dr. Luke tells us that when Jesus came into the world he was “wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.

We read that passage through the prism of 2,000 years of history and are quick to speak harsh words about the innkeeper who forced Jesus to be born in a stable with the animals. We wonder why he could not have found a room for a woman who was great with child.

Yet, there is a far greater tragedy in our day and time than the tragedy of Jesus being born in a stable and laid in a manger. That is the fact that in our day and time there is no room in the hearts of a great many people for Jesus. If people would find a place in their hearts for Jesus, a place for His teachings, the ills of our world would vanish like the night vanishes with the light of day. Making room for Jesus would cure the problem of man’s inhumanity to man.

In this season of the year, the majority of the world is focused on the birth of Christ. Yet, has Jesus really made a difference in the way that we live? Has He made a difference in the way we treat our fellowman or our families? Has He made a difference in the way we conduct our business affairs? Has He made a difference in the priorities of our lives? Do we put Him first? In that day there was not room in the inn. Is there room in our hearts for Jesus today?

It’s something to think about. . . tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com

December 19, 2022 - First Methodist Church invites all worshippers to the beautiful and historic downtown square Saturday night at 6:00pm for a candlelight service. Gather around the bandstand for sacred music and the Christmas story accentuated by candle light. (If you have a candle, bring it! It will help the service go more smoothly.)

"It's our third year to offer this unique opportunity to come together for the season's reason," pastor Malcolm Monroe said. "The weather will be cold, but we hope you'll come to share the warmth of Christmas with Christian friends and neighbors throughout the community."

Warm apple cider will be served. Please come and worship with us.
