April 24, 2022 - Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. This Sunday was Orthodox Easter in the East and Low Sunday here in the Western world. Easter sees the highest attendance at our churches, and usually the lowest attendance is on the second Sunday of Easter (thus, “low Sunday”). Oh, human nature—quite marvelous. Sunday morning the sun began to peek through the clouds, and by the time I got ready to go to Sunday School, it was shining brightly. It has been windy and dry, and we are still suffering from drought. I water just about every day, but with the mild temperatures I don’t mind. Ask me about that in a month or two and you will hear a different story.

Paxton Methodists have been collecting toothpaste and toothbrushes for Community Christian Services during the month of April. But in this last week of April, I will take what we have collected and a couple of checks to CCS. Next month we’ll bring cans of fruit. Paxton Methodists also want to send along anniversary best wishes to Vera and Keith.

Our Sunday School lesson was based on Psalm 104, a poetic look at God and creation. From the springs to the mountains, the writer is really in awe of all that God created. The author of our lesson points out that Methodists have a commitment to protect the planet and to work on a sustainable environmental lifestyle. She also speaks about that first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. This Friday we celebrate Arbor Day, another reminder of God’s beauty.

The quote on the front of the bulletin from Henry David Thoreau said, “Nature if full of genius, full of the divinity.” That sure went along with our Sunday School lesson. Our Gathering Words were from Psalm 118, and our affirmation was The Apostles’ Creed. The Gospel lesson, John 20: 19-30, told the story of Doubting Thomas. Our first song was “I Stand Amazed in the Presence,” a rousing hymn. The second was a more sedate hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”

Before the Prayer of the Church, Fannie reported that her grandson Jake broke his leg during maneuvers. Being an active duty serviceman, he is always on our prayer list. Jake, we hope you bounce back quickly. Sue announced the addition of a mini library to Joaquin, next to the Blessing Box downtown. So people can get and give non-perishable foods and hygiene products in one and books and magazines in the other.

In my sermon I complained that the John Gospel refers to Thomas as Doubting Thomas. I understand why, but the writer didn’t take into account what a faithful believer he was before that fateful week in Jerusalem. Post-Resurrection when Jesus first appeared to the disciples, Thomas wasn’t even there. Maybe he should be referred to as Absent Thomas. In the first appearance among his disciples, Jesus takes a big breath, breathing the spirit on each of his friends. I am sure he would later do the same to Thomas. I used Owen Meany from the John Irving novel, A Prayer for Owen Meany, to illustrate what the John Gospel imagines really strong faith would look like. I also stressed how important it was for the disciples that they had each other. Friends are the greatest gift we receive from God.

Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here. Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds.” Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist, you can send your email address to the Paxton email address, and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed.

April 22, 2022 - First Baptist Center Reads Thru the New Testament!

23 Members of First Baptist Center will be reading through the New Testament beginning today, Friday, at 1pm and concluding tomorrow, Saturday, at 9pm.  The readings will be streaming at the church's Facebook page - FBC Center, Texas.  From Matthew to Revelation - check it out!

First Baptist Center Walks Through the New Testament this Sunday, April 24

This Sunday, April 24, First Baptist Center, @ 117 Cora - right across from the historic courthouse - will be hosting a unique, engaging, and enjoyable Bible Event called "Walk Through the New Testament".  In just 3 short sessions you'll receive a clear overview from Matthew to Revelation.  The first session begins at 10:15.  Lunch is served at 11:30.  Session 2 is at noon and the final session starts at 1:30.   Walk Through the New Testament is free and guests are warmly welcomed.    More info at 936-598-5605.

April 21, 2022 - Most of us are familiar with the old hymn, “Angry Words, O Let Them Never” and though we have been singing it all of our lives, we never really have taken the words to heart. Well, I was thinking (dangerous you know!) how wonderful if someone wrote a companion song to that and titled it “Encouraging Words, O Let Them Always.”

Encouragement is something that all of us need occasionally, and it is something we should give each other. We don’t need someone to tear us down and criticize, we need someone to build us up and compliment us. We all need refreshment from time to time.

We read that Jonathan strengthened David’s hand in God (I Samuel 23:16). Onesiphorous refreshed Paul (II Timothy 1:16) and the Corinthians refreshed the spirit of Titus (II Corinthians 7:13).

The ministry of encouragement is indispensable. Sometimes though, it is something we are not very good at. Often we struggle for “just the right word.” We find it easier to criticize, to put down and to find fault.

Ask yourself this question: When did I last encourage someone else? Too often, we hurt each other by angry and caustic comments. During the coming week, look for opportunities to encourage someone instead of opportunities to criticize someone.

It’s something to think about. . . tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com.

April 19, 2022 - On behalf of Jackson Missionary Baptist Church Youth, we want to extend our sincerest gratitude for every donation and plate purchase. Your contribution will surely have a significant impact on our Youth Program.

Thank you for helping us make a positive change in the lives of our future generations. May God bless you!

All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. — 2 Corinthians 4:15

Jackson Missionary Baptist Youth

April 19, 2022 - Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church will be having their 83rd annual homecoming service, commemorating 183 years of continuous service to the community on Sunday, April 24th. Program begins at 10:30 in the new building at 2271 FM 2787 in Joaquin. Come enjoy some great singing, preaching, and lunch following the service at the fellowship hall located at the old location. All are welcome, but some hungry for the Word of God and hungry for some great food!


April 19, 2022 - The Smith Cemetery Association will have their annual Dinner on the Ground - Fundraiser on Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 12:30. Members will bring food and be prepared for giving to support the upkeep of the grounds. There will be a short business to elect a committee to serve the following year. The Smith Cemetery is located just off HWY 7 E about 6 miles from Center.

April 18, 2022 - Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Sunday was Easter and the most important holy day on the Christian calendar. Unfortunately, the church universal has split east and west: The eastern, or Orthodox Church, celebrates Easter next Sunday. Whichever date one celebrates, we all can agree that Easter came late this year. Everything is turning green or blooming. Nature is such a wonderful gift from God! As we ponder what resurrection means, we can enjoy Easter by being with friends and family—at home, in church, and in glorious nature.

Nature is a wonderful gift, but sometimes Mother Nature can bring storms. There were certainly many trees down last week, and I imagine everyone has been picking up limbs and sticks even if they didn’t lose a whole tree. I haven’t heard of anyone being hurt, and we can be thankful for that. All month long Paxton Methodists have been collecting toothpaste and toothbrushes for Community Christian Services. Next month we’ll bring cans of fruit.

Our Sunday School lesson was from the Mark Gospel, specifically what Mark had to say about Easter morning. As in Luke, three women disciples start out early to prepare Jesus’ body for proper burial. In Mark’s telling, when they get to the empty tomb, a man tells them that Jesus is not there, that he will meet them in Galilee. But the three are so frightened by all that has happened before that morning plus the strange events at the tomb, that they returned to the other disciples and said nothing. Nothing! They were afraid.

Our two songs this morning were “He Lives” and “Lord of the Dance.” The first one is, of course, the most “Easter” of hymns; “Lord of the Dance,” one of my favorite hymns, summarizes the whole story of Jesus’ ministry. We had two bulletin quotes this week. On the front, to go with a sunrise photo proclaiming “He is risen,” was a statement from Kate McGahan: “The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.” Later this week comes Earth Day, so we also had a quote from Chief Seattle: “The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth.”

Sue read the Gospel story about Easter morning from the Luke Gospel. All of the gospel writers have different elements in their narrations. I think it would be like four artists painting the same thing—each painting would be unique and different from the others, even though all were painting the same thing. In Luke’s story three women go to properly prepare Jesus’ body for burial. This wasn’t usually the work of women, but these were unusual times. When they got to the grave, the stone had been moved and two men asked why the women were looking for the Christ among the dead. He is alive. He is alive indeed. They run back to tell the others but aren’t at first believed.

Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here. Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds.” Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist, you can send your email address to the Paxton email address, and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed.

April 18, 2022 - Mr. Deshmond Johnson will be delivering his first official sermon April 24, 2022, 3pm at Bright Morning Star Baptist 628 Martin Luther King Drive in Center.

"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" - Psalm 118:24

April 18, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Monday, April 18.

I hope you had a wonderful, blessed, and encouraging Easter weekend. Here at First Baptist Church of Center, Texas, on Saturday, we welcomed our community to a “Party in the Park”.  Several hundred children and young families joined us for fun, food, and Easter eggs. Lots of smiles and laughter. It was encouraging.

On Sunday morning, our Worship Center was filled with more faces than we had seen since the pandemic hit two long years ago. We felt the presence of God and voices were raised to give Him glory and honor and praise. It was encouraging.

We don't know what the future will bring, but we know who holds the future. And we know that He is faithful to give us strength and peace . . . and encouragement.  

Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David

April 15, 2022 - Wouldn’t it have been a wonderful opportunity to be one of the first ones to visit the empty tomb of the risen Lord? I have tried to imagine how Mary Magdalene and the others must have felt early on that Sunday morning. They were undoubtedly weary and dreary due to their lack of sleep. Their hearts had been crushed by the tragedy of Calvary. Fresh in their mind was the great suffering of their Teacher, Deliverer, Healer and Friend. The horrific scenes of Friday were emblazoned on their hearts.

Can you buy an eye of faith see them as they rose early on that Sunday morning and as they approached the tomb Jesus’ brutal treatment at the hand of the Romans was fresh on their mind. They could still hear the cracking of the whip, they could see the flowing of His blood, they could feel the damp, foreboding darkness that covered the earth as it convulsed at the sight of God’s Son being crucified.

Yet, when they came to the tomb, it was empty. An angel said to them, “He is not here, for he is risen as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” (Matthew 28:6)

Because that tomb was empty that Sunday morning, we have hope beyond this life. Paul would write, “thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (I Corinthians 15:57)

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com.
