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August 7, 2023 - Over the week of July 30th through August 5th the Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department responded to 5 calls. Here’s a summary of the weeks events.

Sunday morning at 7:25am a call came in for an unresponsive person at a residence on County Road 3193. The JVFD medical team responded and discovered that the patient was deceased, and a funeral home was contacted. Members of the medical team assisted the funeral home personnel with loading the deceased person into the hearse. 

Sunday evening at 5:11pm a page was received for a stab victim on County Road 3427. The medical team responded as well as Allegiance EMS to treat the patient’s wound which was found to be non-life threatening. 

Wednesday night at 10:00pm the medical team would be dispatched to the Joaquin Apartments for a person who was believed to have gotten too hot. Allegiance EMS also responded.

Friday afternoon at 2:02pm a call came in for an SUV that had run off the road on Highway 84 East. The driver was not harmed, but the SUV had to be towed away.

Saturday morning at 11:11am the JVFD was dispatched to a brush fire near FM 3082. They responded with 3 brush trucks and an engine for extra water. The fire was severe enough that the Texas A&M Forest Service was called in and they took control of the scene. The fire was started from a downed power line.

With that, this edition of the report will come to a close. The Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department hopes everyone has a great and safe week going forward. 

August 6, 2023 - Two victims were discovered following a house fire on the night of Saturday, August 5, 2023, off FM 2140.

Fire personnel with the Center Fire Department (CFD) were dispatched to the scene when they were alerted of a house fully involved in fire, and the possibility of people still inside.

When firefighters from the CFD and Shelbyville Volunteer Fire Department arrived at the scene, their focus was to locate the occupants and to extinguish the fire.

As the firemen worked at extinguishing the flames, they discovered two people inside had not made it out and perished in the fire.

Shelby County Sheriff’s Department personnel were at the location conducting their investigation and the State Fire Marshal has also been engaged to investigate the incident.

Allegiance EMS personnel were on scene due to the possibility of occupants in the house as well as to assist fire personnel in the event those responding needed medical aid.

Donna Hughes, Justice of the Peace for Precinct 1, performed the inquest.

August 6, 2023 - A Center man lost his life in an automobile crash involving a car he was test driving on August 5, 2023, on U.S. Highway 96 North.

The vehicle was around a mile from the car dealership when the incident happened, and after that, emergency personnel were dispatched to the scene just south of the intersection with SL 500.

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), State Troopers investigated the crash and the preliminary crash investigation indicates at approximately 9:10am, a black 2023 Dodge Challenger passenger car driven by Michael Whisenant, 45, of Center was traveling north when it failed to drive in a single lane and drove off the roadway to the left where it struck a tree and ejected the driver.

Whisenant was pronounced deceased at the scene by Donna Hughes, Justice of the Peace for Precinct 1. Watson & Sons Funeral Home transported Whisenant from the location of the crash.

DPS reports the crash remains under investigation and no additional information is available at this time.

The crash was investigated by DPS Trooper Keith Jones, assisted at the scene by Shelby County Sheriff’s Deputies Misty Ray and Jud Matthews.

August 3, 2023 - The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) held a meeting on the morning of August 3, 2023, and Shelby County Jail was included in their agenda for discussion with Shelby County officials available to offer updates on their progress.

Due to non-compliance Shelby County has been working since March to rectify an issue on cell checks. The commission stated the county has made substantial progress in their effort to correct the issues.

The issues of compliance were indicated to include exceeding the required 30-minute observation time period on some cell checks and exceeding the required 60-minute observation time on other cell checks.
This article is copied from Shelby County Today without permission.
Shelby County representatives gave an update on their progress and current status for the commission’s knowledge. Representatives for Shelby County included Shelby County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Ruth Gonzales; Shelby County Judge Allison Harbison; and Shelby County Sheriff’s Capt. D.J. Dickerson.

Chief Gonzales provided some background information for commission on what has occurred up until the meeting. She stated the jail lost its administrator back in April 2023, and she has been working with Shelby County Sheriff Lt. Detective Chad Hooper in trying to bring the jail into compliance. Gonzales stated they have requested more jailers, and have been granted two more by the Shelby County Commissioners’ Court. She believes this addition in staff will help to improve the cell checks.

Chief Gonzales believes an old system the jail utilizes in checking in inmates has contributed to some of their issues and they are attempting to implement a new system. She said how appreciative they are of the Angelina County jail staff an their assistance in trying to bring the Shelby County Jail back into compliance. 

Half of the jailers are currently not certified yet, but that is being addressed and Chief Gonzales believes they are moving forward and she stated she appreciates the commissions patients.

Judge Harbison spoke to the commission members and she said the county commissioners have been very supportive of the jail, and she remarked on there have been vacancies in the Shelby County Jail staff, just as with other agencies across the state. Judge Harbison mentioned a mid budget season increase to the salaries of jailers and dispatchers of $2 an hour. She also stated they are proposing a $2,600 raise across the board for all employees and officers.
This article is copied from Shelby County Today without permission.
As Chief Gonzales stated, the commissioners allowed for two more jailer positions, and Judge Harbison explained they accomplished that by moving salaries from two open officer positions to the jail, which will be re-evaluated at budget time. Judge Harbison feels the county has been very supportive of the jail and she and the commissioners have done all they can to be supportive of the jail during this time.

Chief Gonzales responded to the commission’s inquiry of how many jailers their are and she responded with 15, including the jail administrator. She confirmed the jail is fully staffed, as of Monday before the meeting. Chief Gonzales said the raise helped to increase the number of applicants at the jail and they are now fully staffed.

The commission stated that has helped them to come very close to being able to perform all of the required checks as required. A request was made of the commission to be able to continue to work with the Shelby County Jail in their efforts as they are very close now to being in compliance. The commission foresees Shelby County will be back in compliance by the November meeting, and looks forward to being able to place them on the old business portion of their November agenda for consideration. No action was taken by the commission, and the county representatives were dismissed.

August 2, 2023 - The Shelby County Commissioners decided during their August 2, 2023, meeting to keep the burn ban in place.

The court agreed they have not received any rain in any of their precincts, and Tom Bellmyer, Commissioner Precinct 4, felt compelled to express gratitude to several agencies in light of a fire that recently occurred.

“I’d like to publicly thank the Tenaha [Volunteer] Fire Department, and the Center Volunteer Fire Department, the Texas Forestry Service, and Seth Shrell (Texas Department of Emergency Management). Last Friday we had a heck of a fire and Seth was there,” said Bellmyer. “I’m on the backside of the fire, it kind of looped around a couple of my county roads, and I’m just sitting there and all of a sudden I looked up, Seth pulls up on me, and this is 7 o’clock Friday evening.”

Commissioner Bellmyer said the departments were able to extinguish the fire, and in talking with the Tenaha VFD Fire Chief Mark Odom, Commissioner Bellmyer learned that was their third fire to respond to that day. He said all of the fires were trash fires, such as people burning trash in a barrel.

“I really think that citations should be issued,” said Judge Allison Harbison.

She asked Shelby County Chief Ruth Gonzales if the Sheriff’s Department is issuing citations, and she responded they have not issued any citations yet, but they can. 

Judge Harbison said she knows of some chicken houses that were being burned in the Shelbyville area. Chief Gonzales said if Judge Harbison wants the Sheriff’s Department to issue citations, for the commissioners to reach out to them so a deputy can issue those citations.

“I think they should be cited, I mean my daddy always told me the best lessons in life are those you have to pay your hard earned money for, and I think they should be cited if they’re burning,” said Judge Harbison.

Judge Harbison encouraged further that citations need to be issued, and Chief Gonzales said the Sheriff’s Department can do that.

Commissioner Bellmyer moved to extend the burn ban for another week, and Jimmy Lout, Commissioner Precinct 2, seconded his motion, the motion carried.

Lori Oliver, District Clerk, addressed the court and explained her office is starting to implement changes mandated by House Bill 3474, Article 8. Oliver shared that juror turnout has been incredibly low and some actions are being taken to change that.

“I think they thought, maybe if we increase the jury pay that’ll help,” said Oliver. “Currently jurors are paid $6 for their first day of service, and $40 for every day thereafter. What they have decided to do effective September 1 is increase their first day of service to $20 and then every day thereafter would be $58.”

According to Oliver, across the state some courts are paying more than that, but that it’s up to the commissioners to decide if they want to go above the minimum. She asked the court to pay the $20 and then on the subsequent days to pay $60 to simplify the process for the office of the treasurer. 

Stevie Smith, Commissioner Precinct 3, moved to make it $20 first day and $60 every day thereafter for juror pay, and Commissioner Lout seconded his motion, which carried.

The commissioners considered a request from Tracy Broadway, Justice of the Peace Precinct 5, to discontinue compensation for his duties as interim JP for Precinct 4. Judge Harbison referenced an email where Broadway says he believes Dee Dee Green, Justice of the Peace Precinct 4, is coming along really well.

Commissioner Bellmyer moved to discontinue Broadway’s JP 4 compensation, effective July 28, and his motion was seconded by Commissioner McSwain, an the motion carried.

Chief Deputy Gonzales requested to obtain quotes to scan the Sheriff’s Office’s paper case files, and she explained that these are decades old cases which they currently cannot digitally access. The Sheriff’s Department has contacted a company for file retention and research is still being conducted since case files are different than other county files which must be retained as case files contain pictures an some video.

As files are digitized, some physical copies will be able to be destroyed to free up space; however, Judge Harbison cautioned against destroying files that may be for cold cases, or have some other validity. She encouraged Chief Gonzales to research the proper retention schedule.

A motion made by Commissioner McSwain to go out for quotes was seconded by Commissioner Lout, and the motion carried.

The commissioners considered accepting bids for three constable vehicles for Precinct 1, 2, and 3. Commissioner McSwain moved to go forward with purchasing the vehicles out of the contingency fund from Caldwell Ford in the amount of $159,940, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith, and the motion carried. 

During the meeting Josh Tipton, Constable Precinct 5, introduced his new deputy Travis Vaughn to the court, and announced he has just started August 2, 2023. Vaughn shared he is from the area and has just come back.

The meeting adjourned at 10:10am.

Agenda items approved during the meeting include:
1. Pay weekly expenses.
2. Current payroll.
3. Declaration and Order Prohibiting Outdoor Burning.
4. Increase in jurors pay, $20 first day and $60 every day thereafter for juror pay to take effect on September 1, 2023.
5. Discontinue JP Broadway’s JP 4 compensation, effective July 28.
6. Application for the 2nd payment of the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) established by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
7. Seek quotes to scan Sheriff’s Office case files..
8. Purchase constable vehicles for Precinct 1, 2, and 3 in the amount of $159,940.
9. Adjourn at 10:10am.

August 2, 2023 — Texas A&M Forest Service warns of increased wildfire danger, as high temperatures and dry conditions continue to impact the state.

“Since mid-July, wildfire activity has increased substantially across Texas due to expanding drought conditions,” said Wes Moorehead, Texas A&M Forest Service Fire Chief. “Over the past two weeks, state and local firefighters have responded to 280 wildfires that burned almost 10,000 acres.”

Elevated fire weather, characterized by triple-digit temperatures, low humidity and increased wind speeds, will create an environment with high potential for wildfires that are difficult to control this week.

The threat of wildfires will be present for broad regions of the state, including along the I-35 corridor between Dallas, Waco, Austin and San Antonio, and extending west to Kerrville, Brady, Brownwood and Eastland.

Regions with increased risk also include areas east of I-45 and south of I-20, including communities near Jacksonville, Center, Lufkin, Crockett, Huntsville, Woodville, Cleveland, Kirbyville and Jasper.

Wednesday’s fire weather will approach critical thresholds and, when aligned with critically to extremely dry vegetation, will support wildfires that are resistant to suppression efforts and may impact populations across the identified areas.

“Texas A&M Forest Service is working closely with the Texas Division of Emergency Management, fire departments, and local jurisdictions across the state to monitor conditions and assess needs locally to best position resources for a quick and effective response to any request for assistance,” said Moorehead. “It is vitally important that everyone be mindful of current conditions and remain diligent with any activity that creates sparks.”

As hot and dry conditions persist, consider the following:

  • Always obey local burn bans and outdoor burning restrictions. Wait to conduct any outdoor burning or light campfires until the burn ban has been lifted and weather conditions improve.
  • Nine out of 10 wildfires are human caused. When a burn ban is in place, residents should avoid outdoor activities that may cause a spark, including welding, grinding and using heavy machinery.
  • Many areas of Texas are experiencing high temperatures and dry weather. Residents should stay up to date on weather conditions and always use extreme caution when performing outdoor activities even if not under a burn ban.

Stay wildfire aware. If a wildfire is spotted, immediately contact local authorities. A quick response can help save lives and property.

For more information about summer wildfire prevention, visit

For information on the current wildfire situation in Texas, visit

August 2, 2023 - The Shelby County Commissioners approved the hiring of a deputy for the Constable Precinct 5 office during their meeting held July 26, 2023.

Following an executive session which they went into immediately after 9:30am, the commissioners returned to open session after the hour long closed session.

Roscoe McSwain, Commissioner Precinct 1, moved to allow Constable Josh Tipton to move forward with the employment of Travis Allen Vaughn at a starting salary matching that of a Sheriff’s Department deputy salary, with no overtime pay, any overtime will be compensated through comp time and date of hire is tentatively August 2, 2023. Tom Bellmyer, Commissioner Precinct 4, move to second McSwain’s motion and the motion carried.

The commissioners met during executive session with their legal counsel, Reed Martin, representing them in ongoing opioid litigation and discussed authorizing the County Judge to execute the settlement participation and release forms regarding settlement offers from Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart in the matter of Texas Opioid multi-district litigation for the County in the matter of County of Shelby vs. Purdue Pharma, al.

John Price, County Attorney, said the total amount the county is to receive is $77,622.81 paid over terms which vary over the different pharmacy companies. 

The statewide opioid settlement amount collectively is $706,146,640.02 and Walgreens will pay theirs over 15 years; CVS will pay theirs over 10 years; and Walmart will pay theirs over six years. The total direct funds from Walgreens are calculated to be $31,895.63; CVS funds are calculated to be $29,301.22; and Walmart funds re calculated to be $16,425.96.

A motion by Stevie Smith, Commissioner Precinct 3, was seconded by Commissioner Bellmyer to approve the settlement and authorize the County Judge to sign the paperwork and the motion carried.

The commissioners considered the disbursement of the Family Protection Fund and Commissioner McSwain moved to disburse Fund 79 in the amount of $5,627.97 at 60% to the Shelby County Children’s Advocacy Center; 20% to Pineywoods Family Outreach; and 20% to CASA of Deep East Texas. Jimmy Lout, Commissioner Precinct 2, provided a second and the motion carried.

The commissioners considered a three-year lease contract with KnowInk for the Election Administration office for 30 iPads at a cost of $9,858. Commissioner Bellmyer moved to enter into the contract with KnowInk and Commissioner McSwain seconded the motion, which carried.

A Cap Fleet Buyboard quote to outfit the vehicle purchased for Constable Precinct 4 was discussed among the court, and Judge Allison Harbison explained GM designated 500 Tahoes to Cap Fleet, which were to have at least $15,000 worth of equipment on them for the use of law enforcement, and the vehicle being discussed is one of those 500.

Judge Harbison said, in doing research the vehicle is determined to be a 2023 which cannot be purchased outside of the program. As a result, the only alternative would be a 2024 model, and those cost $7,000 more.

Commissioner Bellmyer moved to approve the quote from Cap Fleet on the automobile and equipment, Commissioner Smith seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Commissary Services Agreement between Shelby County and CTC Commissary, LLC were considered by the commissioners and Shelby County Sheriff Chief Ruth Gonzales explained the contract is a trial for 180 days, and the county can back out of the contract if they so desire at that time. The company would handle money that is deposited for inmates for commissary and would eliminate the jail having to keep track of the funds. 

Ann Blackwell, County Treasurer, interjected and commented the Sheriff’s Department has previously had a system like the one being considered and that it worked well. She said the best part of a program like it is the county no longer hands checks to inmates and instead gives them a debit card with their remaining balance, which helps the county to close those accounts and not wait on the check to clear.

Blackwell encouraged trying the new company out as the county’s previous experience with Keefe Group, the previous company that handled commissary, had been good.

Commissioner Bellmyer moved to approve the contract with CTC Commissary, LLC for the trial period, and Commissioner Smith gave a second. The motion carried.

The commissioners discussed sealed bids that were opened on May 24 on a 2012 through 2022 Truck Tractor tandem-axle 400 plus HP in good condition used or new for Commissioner Pct. 3. Commissioner Smith moved to reject both bids being considered and Commissioner McSwain provided a second, and the motion carried.

Judge Harbison said she spoke with Sheriff Kevin Windham, and he was in favor of the commissioners considering the Sheriff’s Department allocating one or two of their open positions to the jail, to work as jailers and assist in getting the non-compliance issues corrected.

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards found the Shelby County Jail to be non-compliant in March 2023 regarding routine intervals of 30-minute and 60-minute checks that were being exceeded, and the jail has been working to get under control since that time.

Judge Harbison said there was a meeting included Lt. Chad Hooper, Capt. DJ Dickerson, and Leah Chase about the compliance issues.

“We’ve got to get the non-compliance fixed and [Chief Gonzales] has been working on this,” said Judge Harbison. 

Judge Harbison said Gonzales feels it would be beneficial to have two more full-time jailers to strictly make sure all of the rules and regulations are enforced on cell checks and things of that nature. With five or six open deputy positions at this time, the county has some flexibility in utilizing the funds for those positions in the jail for the time being.

During discussion, Chief Gonzales revealed a new Jail Administrator has been hired and his name is John Mills, who has been Sergeant, and he is being given 90 days. 

Commissioner McSwain moved to allocate funds for two deputy positions to jailer positions, Commissioner Bellmyer seconded the motion and it carried.

The meeting adjourned at 11:25am.

Agenda items approved during the meeting include:

1. Allow Constable Josh Tipton to move forward with the employment of Travis Allen Vaughn at a starting salary matching that of a Sheriff’s Department deputy salary, with no overtime pay, any overtime will be compensated through comp time and date of hire is tentatively August 2, 2023.
2. Pay weekly expenses, with the exception of two invoices for fuel Commissioners McSwain and Bellmyer paid for using their county credit cards and thusly negating any need for reimbursement.
3. Current payroll.
4. Authorize the County Judge to execute the Settlement participation and release forms regarding settlement offers from Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart in the matter of Texas Opioid multi-district litigation for the County in the matter of County of Shelby vs. Purdue Pharma, al.
5. Disburse Fund 79 – Family Protection Fund in the amount of $5,627.97 at 60% to the Shelby County Children’s Advocacy Center; 20% to Pineywoods Family Outreach; and 20% to CASA of Deep East Texas..
6. Three-year lease contract with KnowInk for the Election Administration office for iPads.
7. Cap Fleet Buyboard quote to outfit the vehicle purchased for Constable Precinct 4.
8. Commissary Services Agreement between Shelby County and CTC Commissary, LLC for a trial period.
9. Void the PurpleWave auction contract to sell a Pct. 1 Cat Maintainer which was approved on July 12, 2023.
10. Commissioner Pct. 3 to auction off a Volvo 950 Motor Grader Maintainer Serial # 40518 on PurpleWave.
11. Ratify the Order of Outdoor Burning County Wide.
12. Sheriff’s office to auction off a 2012 Sierra Travel Trailer (VIN 4X4FSEK21CJ036532), 2008 Crown Vic (2FAFP71V28X180691), and 2008 Jeep Laredo (VIN 1J8GS48K68C109832) on PurpleWave.
13. Sealed bids that were opened on May 24th on a 2012 through 2022 Truck Tractor tandem-axle 400 plus HP in good condition used or new for Commissioner Pct. 3.
14. Allow the Sheriff’s office to allocate one or two of their open positions to the jail, to work as jailers and assist in getting the non-compliance issues corrected.
15. Accept the withdrawal of the bid from Donnie Fountain Construction for the Pct. 3 Road and Bridge Maintenance Barn.
16. Award bid to Cornerstone Manufacturing and Construction for the Pct. 3 Road and Bridge Barn in the amount of $170,908.
17. Go out for bids on new vehicles through BuyBoard for Constable Pct. 1, 2, and 3.
18. Adjourn at 11:26am.

August 1, 2023 - (Update 2:55pm) The Shelby County Sheriff's Department has issued a press release, which reads as follows: Shelby County Sheriff Kevin W. Windham reports that on Monday, July 31, 2023, at approximately 9:45pm, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office received a call regarding a shooting incident that had reportedly occurred at a residence located at 6190 FM 138 in Center. Law enforcement personnel responded and discovered a male subject identified as Elmer Gene Richards, 54, of Center, deceased from apparent gunshot wounds. The suspect in the shooting incident was identified as Elmer’s brother, James Wayne Richards, 58, of Center.

Preliminary information is that Elmer and James were involved in an argument that escalated into the shooting incident. James Richards was arrested for first degree murder and transported to the Shelby County jail.

Elmer Richards was pronounced by Justice of the Peace – Precinct 1, Donna Hughes, and an autopsy has been ordered.

This case is actively being investigated. If you have any information regarding this investigation, please contact the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office at (936) 598-5601.

(Update - 12:43pm): According to the Shelby County Jail booking log, James Richards, 58, of Center has been arrested and charged with murder, felony 1.

A residence just under five miles from Center on FM 138 is the scene of a shooting incident currently under investigation by the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department.

Assisted by additional units from county constables and Texas Game Wardens, investigators cordoned the area at the front of the residence with crime scene tape where the victim was located while they gathered evidence.

According to Shelby County Sheriff’s Lt. Chad Hooper, at approximately 10pm the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department received a call on FM 138 of a possible shooting. Once deputies arrived on scene, a deceased male individual was located.

Another individual is in custody, and the incident remains under investigation. Additional information is pending release by the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department.

Donna Hughes, Justice of the Peace for Precinct 1, performed the inquest of the deceased individual, and Watson & Sons Funeral Home transported him from the scene.

The Sheriff’s Department was assisted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Game Wardens and Shelby County Constables Jamie Hagler, Josh Tipton and Zack Warr.

Photo courtesy Timpson Volunteer Fire Department

July 31, 2023 - A train collided with a trailer load of hay just outside of Timpson Monday, July 31, 2023.

Timpson Volunteer Fire Department, Constable Precinct 5 office, and Texas Department of Public Safety all responded to the crash scene.

According to Union Pacific Railroad Media Relations, at about 3pm CDT today, a southbound Union Pacific train collided with a trailer carrying hay about three miles southwest of Timpson.

No one was injured.

The incident occurred at a private crossing after a trailer being pulled by a tractor became stuck on the railroad tracks. The tractor was no longer attached to the trailer at the time of the collision.

Photo courtesy Timpson Volunteer Fire Department

July 31, 2023 - State Highway 87 South near CR 2124 was the scene of a major crash involving a truck tractor and a house.

Emergency responders hurried to the scene of the crash incident Monday, July 31, 2023, at around 10:10am.

According to Texas Department of Public Safety State Trooper Keith Jones, a white 2013 Western Star, owned by Southern Transport, LLC of Gladewater, and driven by Johi Arthur William St-Clair, 45, was northbound on State Highway 87 south of Shelbyville. 

At that time his front right steer tire blew, which caused St-Clair to lose control as the truck exited the roadway to the right and struck a pine tree on the left side of the truck and then continued until it came to rest inside of a residence. 

St-Clair was transported by ambulance to Nacogdoches Medical Center- Shelby Emergency Department for observation of medical needs. No charges were filed at the time of the crash.

No one was reported to have been inside of the house at the time of the collision.

Shelbyville Volunteer Fire Department and Center Fire Department assisted at the scene.
