Toledo Bend Cowboy Church Retains Transitional Pastor

August 20, 2018 - Toledo Bend Cowboy Church, Huxley, TX,  has retained the services of Bro. Don Richey, of Huxley, who is a trained Transitional Pastor. Bro. Don has agreed to stay with us in this capacity for as long as 18 months, and longer, if necessary.  He is a pastor with forty years experience. He was the pastor at Haslam First Baptist Church in the late 1980’s. When he retired, he decided to get training to be a Transitional Pastor. He recently served in that capacity for about 18 months at Dunnigan Missionary Baptist Church in East Hamilton.

Bro Don RicheyTransitional Pastor was a new term for most of us at TBCC. Bro. Don has been explaining some of the objectives that position entails. They are:

  1. Lead the church to embrace its history of ministry.
  2. Affirm with the church it’s Biblical growth principles
  3. Focus on the Kingdom results rather than human assumptions.
  4. Establish church practices.
  5. Help identify and allocate church resources.
  6. Help the church discover the pastor God has for them.
  7. Assist the new pastor acquaint with the church and community.

I have to say, when Bro. Don explained all these points, I felt the stress I didn’t know I’d been carrying around just release my shoulders and I felt relaxed and hopeful that we would be getting the new pastor TBCC is meant to have. We don’t have to worry about hiring one of the next few pastors that applied for the position. We will have time to find out exactly what our church body wants and needs so that we can find the pastor who meets our needs and whose needs we will be able to meet.  We want to have a compatible relationship with our new pastor.