Tenaha City Council Regular Called Meeting Aug 17th Agenda

August 14, 2015 - If during the course of the meeting, any discussion of items on the Agenda that should be held in executive or closed session, the Council will convene in executive or closed session, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Section 551.101 and Texas Revised Civil Statues.

The City Council of Tenaha will meet in regular session on Monday, August 17th at 5:15 p.m. at the Tenaha Municipal Building located at 238 N. George Bowers Drive, Tenaha, Texas.

Order of Business:

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge & Prayer
4. Welcome Guests
5. Public Comments
6. Approve July Meeting Minutes – ACTION
7. Approve July Financial Statements – ACTION
8. Discuss Interest on Establishing a City Park at the Old Ball Park Location – ACTION
9. Discussion/Approval for Purchase of New Water Billing Program - ACTION
10. Budget Amendment to General Fund & Water Account – John Deere Tractor - ACTION
11. Proposed Budget Review/Approval – ACTION
12. Closed Session Texas Gov. Code 551.074 – Personnel Matters – Sheryl R. Clark 90-Day Review
13. Return to Open Session - ACTION
14. Department Head Report
15. Council Comments
16. Adjourn