A Special Tribute: In Memory of Clifton Garrett, Sr.

May 6, 2020 - Clifton Garrett, Sr. was born and raised in East Texas before joining the Army. He married his neighbor upon returning to his family's new location in Center, Texas in the mid-forties. He was married for 43 years when his wife Portia passed in 1990 and he lived 21 years afterwards with his daughter when he became disabled in the last three years of his life. Joan gives tribute to her father on the anniversary of his death nine years ago in Houston. Memories of a life well spent will always be with the family. So proud that he was able to spend some time with his great grandson, the son of his granddaughter, Shelly, who is Clif, Jr.'s only child. This is a tribute to a father who took the place of a mother for over 20 years.