Across the Preacher’s Desk: Laughter

January 26, 2023 - A laugh may be the sweetest or the most bitter sound that comes from the human voice, according to the sentiment it expresses. To be sure, laughter is not an unimportant incident in a happy life, but a gift of God to serve a definite purpose and is even more useful in less happy lives.

Laughter is one of life’s greatest shock absorbers. Many of the things at which we laugh would be very annoying if we did not think them funny, and laughter is nature’s device for taking up the jolt. Laughter is a better response than annoyance to a horde of petty annoyances that dog our heels.

Laughter is also a source of strength. Men endure and achieve as they learn to break the monotony of routine work with laughter. The burdens of many lives are beyond the normal power and endurance of human beings. There are various sources of strength for ush and one of them is laughter. It is a familiar fact that Lincoln said that laughter, relieving the strain of care, was what kept him from breaking beneath the load he had to bear.

Laughter is the magnet that draws. It may be a very quiet unostentatious laugh, perhaps not more than a twinkle of the eye, but it is the key that unlocks the hearts of people. Laughter is a fine art when it covers a heart that may be heavy but is undaunted and unafraid. Such laughter is a principle of life. It is an expression of a noble courage, a genuine love and a deep and abiding faith in God.

It’s something to think about... tbp

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