Across the Preacher’s Desk: How Important Is God... Really?

May 30, 2024 - The title suggests it all. How important is God in our lives? Is Jesus Christ the Lord and Master of your life? You see, if Jesus Christ is not Lord of ALL of your life, He is not Lord AT ALL in your life. Yet, how many times do we let the cares and concerns of life in our modern world crowd out the things of God? How often do we seem to have time and energy to engage in activities for our pleasure and enjoyment but seem to have little or no energy when it comes to things that involve the service and worship of God?

How would we feel. . .

  • If God gave us the same amount of time and attention that we devote to Him?
  • If God put as many things ahead of us as we put ahead of Him?
  • If God offered as many excuses as we do? And if the excuses were no more justifiable than ours?
  • If God’s promises were no more certain than ours?
  • If God withheld His blessings from us as we withhold our offerings from Him?
  • If God loved Himself as much as we love ourselves and gave as little thought to us as we give to Him?

Tragically, so often we loudly proclaim our love and devotion for God and our words ring hollow. They ring hollow because our actions belie our verbal proclamation. Let’s make sure our devotion to God is real.

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online