City of Tenaha Regular Called Council Meeting Agenda, June 20th

June 17, 2016 - If during the course of the meeting, any discussion of items on the Agenda that should be held in executive or closed session, the Council will convene in executive or closed session, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Section 551.101 and Texas Revised Civil Statues.

The City Council of Tenaha will meet in regular session on Monday – June 20, 2016 at 5:15 p.m. at the Tenaha Municipal Building located at 238 N. George Bowers Drive, Tenaha, Texas.

Order of Business:

1.    Call to Order & Roll Call
2.    Pledge and Prayer
3.    Welcome Guests
4.    Administer The Oath of Office to Newly Elected Council Member Cliff Lloyd – ACTION
5.    New City Attorney Introduction – Mr. Miles T. Bradshaw with Karczewski/Bradshaw L.L.P.
6.    Public Comments
7.    Consider Approval for Minutes from May 16, 2016 Regular Scheduled Council Meeting – ACTION
8.    Consider Approval for May 16, 2016 Financials – ACTION
9.    Recommend/Approve New Mayor Pro Tem - ACTION
10.    Present City Personnel Resignations 
11.    Closed Session Section 551.071 (Attorney Consultation) & 551.074 (Personnel/Public) – Attorney Consultation on Duties of Council, Mayor and City Secretary.
12.    Closed Session Section 551.074 – (Personnel Matters)

a.    Sheryl R. Clark Annual Review / Job Reclassification
b.    Matt Barton Annual Review / Job Reclassification

13.    Return to Open Session.
14.    Review, Discuss And Approve Water Collection Policy - ACTION
15.    Water/Wastewater Consultant Proposal Presentation – Stacy Cranford
16.    Review Invoices Exceeding Current $1,500.00 Mayor Approval Level – ACTION
17.    Discuss and Consider Approval Authorizing The Mayor to Select a Credit Card Company To: a)  Supply Credit Cards For City Personnel Purchases  b) Work in Conjunction With RVS Water System and Court Collections Programs - ACTION
18.    Discuss and Consider Approval for Increasing Authorized Spending Limits – ACTION
19.    Discuss and Possibly Approve Changing Council Meeting Time To The Third Tuesday of Each Month - ACTION
20.    Approve The Resolution Adopting The City of Tenaha Hazard Mitigation Plan – ACTION
21.    Discuss and Consider Approval for Back To School Event Donation - ACTION
22.    Revisit and Possibly Take Action – Financing Marshal’s Office New Vehicle – ACTION
23.    Department Head Report 
24.    Council Comments
25.    Adjourn