Submitted by Walt Baty

Joaquin ISD Welding Contest

March 7, 2022 - On March 5th, Dalton Harris, Dylan Dechamplain, Darell Webster and David Tomaszewski of Joaquin ISD traveled to Huntsville ISD for a welding contest. While we didn't win anything, we did return with some valuable insight for the next time and a nice shop table that they built as part of the event.

Joaquin ISD Ag. Mechanics Projects on Display at Grill Fest

April 19, 2021 - The Joaquin Ag. Mechanic Department would like to invite Shelby county residents to Grill Fest. This event will be held at the Shelby County Expo Center on April 24th. We will have projects on display that have been built by Joaquin Ag. Mechanic students. We have had a very productive year and would like for Shelby county residents to see some of what the students at Joaquin ISD are capable of doing. All projects will be open for bids. Hope to see you there.

Walt Baty, JISD Ag. Department Instructor

Shelbyville FFA Thanks Supporters

May 18, 2016 - To the parents, teachers, administration and members of the public who have purchased our Ag. Projects and have contributed in any way to our organization we thank you.

We have had a most successful year. We participated in the Panola Welding Contest, we have completed many wood work projects including the Wooden A&M Bench for the Aggie Moms Event, and the highlight of our year was the winning of the blue ribbons with our projects in the Houston Agricultural Mechanics Show.

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