“A Letter to My Friends” By Doug Fincher

June 29, 2021 - I have not been active on Email or Facebook lately because of a bladder and prostate problem. My prostate was enlarged… but not cancerous… and they found a sizable stone in my bladder. I had surgery last week… corrected the enlarged prostate, and had the stone removed. (Don’t you just love to read about health reports?) I am doing fine in my recovery and actually slept all night last night without my usual trips to the bathroom!

Pam and I bought a new Prius last month (this hybrid also has a battery that can be re-charged to run simultaneously with the gas/electric motor. It is a “smart car” with 27 computers that do unbelievable things. We drove our 2008 Prius for 13 years over most of the U.S. and it was a flawless car… our best ever.

Pam bought a half bushel of peaches last week and canned peach preserves. We tried them out before they could even cool…and they are great.

I am writing my second and third books. The first will be entitled “Fincher and Friends #2” and the other one will be “My Life’s Memories.” God gave me amazing memory. I can remember things when I was three years old (1936), I can remember all the classmates in the first grade and remember every teacher I had in public school, every college and Seminary professor, and have a good memory of so many of my friends in my pastorates. I have outlived many of my precious friends and treasure the ones of you that have not yet crossed The Jordan. Your friendship has been "a joy unspeakable"... and continues to be.

In September I will be preaching the Homecoming Sermon at the Clever Creek Baptist Church again. I will see Mary Jo Baty and Billie Baily, sisters that accepted Christ in the first Youth Revival I ever preached in 1951. Both of these sisters are retired School teachers. I preached that revival over 70 years ago… and will see these sisters again in September.

I thank God for all of you and thank Him for the blessing of living in the U.S.A.… the greatest country on earth.