“Mama and Mercy” by Doug Fincher

January 23, 2023 - “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” Psalms 85:10. I woke up at three o’clock this morning with this beautiful verse by King David. I thought about the Lord’s mercy…and my merciful Preacher/ Grandmother “Mama” was a great example of David’s verse. In the Post-depression 40’s she and Paw Paw lived two fences and a field from our house in East Center, Texas. There was already six kids in our family and Mama often helped us in those days. When we visited her, her first question was, “Are you kids hungry?” She’d lift the oil cloth cover off the kitchen table and told us to help ourselves. We were always careful to leave a biscuit for Uncle Billy Gene’s onion sandwich for when he got home.

But we kids weren’t the only ones that knew of Mama’s tender mercy. Wherever she went.... whether it was in an affluent neighborhood or a poor one---whether black or white---she was welcome ..and loved…everywhere she went. Everyone knew that “Sister Richards” would help.

Mother called me from college one day and said Mama was in a coma. I rushed to the Center hospital and found Mother kneeling at Mama’s bedside. I knew she couldn’t speak but I cried out my heart to her: “Mama, we love you…. and thank you for helping us as we were growing up….” I don’t know if she heard me that day, but I know she has heard me now.

In Mama’s life, “mercy and truth met together…. and righteousness and peace kissed each other”.