“…..a fervent prayer availeth much….”
June 18, 2018 - A little girl spent the night with her friend Susie who lived with her grandmother. As they were saying their prayers that night, Susie prayed so loudly that her friend remarked, “You don’t have to pray so loud! God’s not deaf!” “I know”, she replied, “but Grandma is!”
We know quite a lot about what to pray for. We’re told to pray for each other, our leaders, our friends, our enemies…. We’re told not to babble (Matt. 6:7), “to pray with joy” (Phil. 1:4), “that we may be healed” (James 1:16), “to pray believing”(Matt. 21:22, “to pray constantly” (Acts 1:14)….
But there’s one element in prayer that, if missing, dooms our prayer to failure. Since it’s not the length of prayer, or how loud it is, or how many people hear us…. Then what is it? It’s sincerity.