Across the Preacher’s Desk: Are You Really That Busy?

September 28, 2023 - Not long ago, I read a story about a businessman who considered himself to be extremely busy. He was harassed, discouraged and overwhelmed with all the pressure in his life. There were deadlines to meet, projects to complete and a never ending list of things he needed to take care of. He was desperate and in his desperation he turned to a psychiatrist. The good doctor immediately told him to slow down and work less. There were also further instructions. He told the man to spend one hour every week in the cemetery. The puzzled businessman was puzzled and asked, why? He was told to just go to the cemetery, look around and get to know some of the names of the permanent inhabitants located there. The doctor informed him these people did not finish their work either. They went to the cemetery with tasks uncompleted. They had not accomplished everything they set out to do. No one ever does.

What about you? What about me? Do we become so involved, obsessed and burdened by the things of this life that we crowd the Lord out of our lives? Are we so “involved” with this world that we have no time to give faithful worship to God? You see, some day, we will take time away from all the things that seem so important to us now – permanently. When we do, the world will go right on without us.

Perhaps it’s time to slow down, stop and smell the roses and take the time to put God first in our lives.

It’s something to think about... tbp

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