Across the Preacher’s Desk: Belonging To The Church

Tim PerkinsApril 13, 2023 - A preacher one time was asked if a certain man and his wife belonged to the church where he preached. His reply was, “No, they do not belong to the church here. They are members, but they do not belong to the church.”

“It’s like this,” the preacher explained, “neither their time, their affection, their energy, their money, nor their influence belong to the church.”

Does that make you wonder what kind of membership these people had in the church? The preacher said, “They came to us, and we received them in good faith, and we thought they were looking for spiritual fellowship and service. Sadly, their attendance has been so infrequent they have no sense of belonging to the church family and the church has not been a spiritual home to them. Truthfully, there is not an ounce of this man and his wife that belongs to the church. All they have ever added to the church is a name on the roll.”

The sad truth is, the rolls of local churches are loaded with names that are “members only”. This is their only indication of love for Christ. Yet, Bible love is active and not passive. Jesus expressed His love by dying for us. Will we show our love by living for Him?

Do you belong to the church? Where will you be this coming Lord’s Day?

It’s something to think about... TBP

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