Across the Preacher’s Desk: David’s Psalm Lives On!

February 9, 2023 - King David could not build a temple, but he wrote a psalm! Three temples, one after another, crumbled in the dust, but the psalm lives today in the hearts of millions. Through three thousand years, the Twenty-Third Psalm has been a source of inspiration. It is the Christian’s great symphony, the theme of which is God’s care for His own.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Or, as Paul says it, “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”

After announcing the theme, the writer gives us the three R’s of the abundant life. They are Rest, Refreshment and Restoration. First, “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.” Second, “He leadeth me beside the still waters.” Third, “He resotreth my soul.”

Rest and relaxation are essential to our well being. Many a man or woman is in the hospital today because they could not afford to rest or could not rest. God makes us rest and then he leads us beside the still waters for refreshment. Restoration just naturally follows rest and refreshment. How wonderful are the still waters that God leads us to. Make your plans to be in Worship this coming Sunday. You just might come away rested, refreshed and restored.

It’s something to think about... tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at