Across the Preacher’s Desk: Earthen Vessels

December 21, 2023 - Paul would write to the Corinthians about the treasure of the gospel in II Corinthians 4:7 with these words, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us.” Tell me, what image comes to your mind when reading this passage?

I remember as a boy, watching the potter at work at the wheel at the old Marshall Pottery. I would stand mesmerized by the skill with which he would throw a lump of clay on the wheel and mold it into a work of art. They made pitchers, butter churns, strawberry pots, pickling crocks and many other items. However, they also made just plain, red clay flower pots.

It is those red clay flower pots I envision when I read what Paul wrote. You see, you and I are in that passage of scripture. We are the plain, red clay pots they made so many of at the pottery. Those red clay pots were nothing spectacular. They were nothing more than vessels in which to plant flowers, perhaps a beautiful lily or a magnificent hydrangea or some other flower of God’s creation. Yet, with a beautiful flower in the pot, you focused on the beauty of the flower, not the vessel.

We are often easily fooled by containers. Cheap jewelry can often be found in elaborate boxes while expensive perfume may be in a plain bottle. The splendor of God can best be seen in plain settings. We must take ourselves out of the center of the stage so others can focus on the beauty of God. We are just plain, red clay pots.

It’s something to think about... tbp

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