Across the Preacher’s Desk: "The Footsteps of Jesus"

November 19, 2021 - Peter was writing about Jesus when he penned these words in I Peter 2:21, “Leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps.” Those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus should examine our lives and see how we are doing at following in the steps of Jesus.

Those footsteps of Jesus led him to the waters of baptism, the wilderness of temptation, the house of worship and the fields of Service. They led him to the mountain of prayer, the garden of despair, the cross of suffering, the valley of death and ultimately to the throne of God.

When we are faced with temptation, do we come forth victorious as Jesus did or do we yield to that temptation? When we are presented with opportunities of service to our fellowman do we consider it an honor to be of service? The briefest biography of Jesus says “he went about doing good.” Can that be said of us?

Jesus went to sinners to save them, to the sick to heal them and to the lost to rescue them.  When he went to the mountain of prayer, he spent time there all alone with God and came back from prayer stronger.

When we follow in the steps of Jesus, they will ultimately lead us also to the throne of God, to live eternally in Heaven. Are you following in His steps? If not, right now would be a good time to start.

It’s something to think about… tbp

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