Across the Preacher’s Desk: A Man of Few Words

July 15, 2021 - Jesus was a man of few words, that was His general character. He was not one of those who would tell you how to make a watch. Neither was He one who used flattery or exaggeration. When Jesus complimented someone, the things He said were very few.

When Jesus gave someone a compliment, it was not superficial. It had nothing to do with a person’s clothing or style. It had to do with their heart and their character.

When Jesus was first introduced to Nathaniel, he said, “behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile” (John 1:47). When Jesus spoke of John the Baptist, he said that among those born of woman, there was none greater than John (Luke 7:28).

When Mary anointed Jesus with the costly ointment, Jesus said that wherever the gospel would be preached, that would be spoken of as a memorial to her.

Some day, when our forms have been bended low and we cross the great divide into eternity, I want to hear a compliment from the lips of Jesus. I want to hear Him say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant”. I want to live my life so that I will hear Him speak those words. If we are to hear those words, we must live His kind of life and live it His way.

It’s something to think about… tbp

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