Across the Preacher’s Desk: Prescription For Spiritual Health

May 11, 2023 - In III John 2, John expresses his concern for the physical well being of his friend, Gaius. John writes, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” How many of us really would like for our physical health to be as strong as our spiritual health?

Physically, we need a strong immune system to ward off disease. Spiritually, how strong is our ability to withstand threats? Are we equipped to deal with temptation, false teaching and persecution? We are commanded to be in the world but we are also commanded to not be of the world.

We also need regular exercise. Just as we only thrive physically when we are active, we also only thrive spiritually when we are active. We need to exercise ourselves unto godliness and living God’s kind of life.

A healthy diet is also necessary for good physical health and it is also a necessity for good spiritual health. We need the spiritual nourishment that comes from the word of God. Doing this means we will avoid “spiritual junk food”. We need what the Bible refers to as sound doctrine, that is healthy teaching. We must beware of fluff and anything that is designed to appeal to itching ears.

The prescription for spiritual health is a simple one. A healthy diet and regular exercise will build a strong immune system and our soul will prosper.

It’s something to think about... TBP

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