Across the Preacher’s Desk: Submission to God

April 6, 2023 - When we meet Moses in Exodus chapter 4, he is 80 years old. He has spent 40 years in Egypt, growing up in the household of Pharaoh and 40 years in Midian, herding sheep for his father-in-law on the back side of nowhere.

He had a stammering voice and some serious self-esteem issues. There was nothing about his physical appearance or disposition to make him outstanding as a leader among men.

But, when he submitted himself to the Lord, when he allowed God to direct him, he became mighty in the history of the people of God. You see, God can take the little things and change them into something great.  God asked Moses, “What is that in thy hand?” Moses answered, “A rod”. Something that was simply a stick in the hand of Moses, by the power of God became the force that brought the plagues on Egypt, divided the Red Sea, brought water from a rock and won a battle when Moses used it as God directed him. Little things, when placed in the hand of God become great things.

David’s sling and five small, smooth stones by the power of God were able to slay a Philistine Giant. Five loaves and two fish that belonged to a small boy became enough by the blessing of the Savior to feed five thousand.

We must be willing to take our talent, our ability and commit fully to God and become an instrument in the hand of God to do great things for His glory.

It’s something to think about. . . TBP

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