Across the Preacher's Desk: How Are Your Batteries?

November 5, 2020 - It was only a couple of months ago that Hurricane Laura blew into our world. Trees were blown down around us, we were without power, some for several days, and life was generally disrupted. I remember that morning when the power went off. I immediately went to the cabinet for a flashlight, and the very first one I picked up had no light. The batteries were dead.

Well, I was thinking about that the other day, and I thought how much that is like so many of us. It is disheartening, in the darkness to have a flashlight with dead batteries. Yet, how much more tragic in a world of darkness and sin to find followers of Jesus whose spiritual batteries are dead. Jesus told his followers to “let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”. Yet, how many followers of Jesus in our day and time are failing to shine their light because their spiritual batteries are dead? A Christian with a dead battery is as useless as a flashlight with a dead battery.

In order for our spiritual batteries to remain at full charge, we must be living our lives within the will of God. We must be seeking opportunities to meet God at His house for Worship. Our batteries are charged as we speak to God in prayer, let God speak to us through His word and spend time having fellowship with other Christians. Are you planning on charging your battery this coming Lord’s Day?

It’s something to think about…..tbp

Center Church of Christ, 110 Hurst Street, Center, Texas or online at