All Saints Day Worship at Shelbyville/Short United Methodist Church

October 28, 2015 - Shelbyville and Short United Methodist churches invite you to join us for a special worship service. This coming Sunday, November 1 is “All Saints Day.” This is a special day we take time to give God glory for the people, who have gone to the Kingdom Eternal, who have made an important impact on our lives.

We all have had people who have helped us grow mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally. God has given us these people to guide us in life. We give God glory for the presence and the impact they had on us. There will be time during the worship service, we will honor God by reading names and people speaking names of those who have passed away.

9:00am - Short United Methodist Church
11:00am - Shelbyville United Methodist Church (live stream available)