Bluegrass Trio Perform at Golden Harvest Club Meeting

Photo (from left): Wayne Holt, David Mathis, and Alayna Scull.

June 20, 2017 - President Helen Collard called the Golden Harvest Ministries Club to order on Monday, June 19, 2017 at the First Baptist Church in Center, Texas at 11:30 AM with 61 members and guests attending. 

Carl Smith led members in an opening prayer, and Harold Hanson led in singing several hymns, while Alice West accompanied on the piano. The Bluegrass Trio presented the program of patriotic, country, bluegrass, religious, and other favorites. June Birthdays celebrated were Darlene Brown, Harold Hanson, Nori Latimer, and Alice West. Anniversary greetings went to Maudi and Harold Warr. 

Tables were decorated with summer wildflowers from Linda Bordelon's Wildscape on Toledo Bend Lake. Ann Forbes discussed those on the "Prayer Report" and encouraged everyone to visit the ones in the nursing homes.

Submitted by Linda Bordelon, Reporter