Candidates Are Reminded of Sign Removal Deadline

March 1, 2016 - LUFKIN – The Texas Department of Transportation recognizes that many candidates across the state use signage as a way to influence voters during the campaign season. With the passing of Super Tuesday, TxDOT is reminding candidates that the 10-day period to remove campaign signs has begun.

State law regulates political signage placed near a roadway as well as the removal of those signs following a primary or general election. Candidates are given 10 days to remove all signs following an election.

TxDOT may immediately remove a sign erected, placed or maintained, in whole or in part, on a highway right of way if the sign is not authorized by state law. If a traffic hazard exists because of a political sign, it could be removed immediately.

Signs left beyond the 10-day limit will be removed. Campaigns will be notified by TxDOT of any sign removal and provide information regarding sign retrieval and/or fines associated with the removal.

For those campaigns that will be supporting candidates in the November general election, TxDOT urges them to remember that posting signs on public lands is illegal.

• It is illegal to place any signs on or within the right of way. This includes posting signs on trees, telephone poles, traffic signs and other objects on the right of way.
• Campaign signs along Texas roads can be placed on private property with the owner's permission.
• Signs must be made of lightweight material and be no larger than 50 square feet.
• Campaign signs may be posted as early as 90 days before an election (no earlier) and must be removed within 10 days after the election.
• Before placing a sign inside of incorporated city limits, check with the city for applicable ordinances.
• All costs associated with sign removal will be paid by the sign owner.

For more information, contact or (936) 633-4395.