Center ISD Regular Meeting Unofficial Minutes

May 20, 2019 - A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Center Independent School District (CISD) was held on Thursday, May 16, 2019, beginning at 12:00 p.m. at Center High School located at 658 Roughrider Drive in Center, Texas 75935.

1. Call Meeting to Order and Establish a Quorum
Matthew Mettauer called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. and declared a quorum.
Present: Allison Johnson; Daphne LaRock; Casey Lout; Matthew Mettauer; Traci Willoughby; Deuce Wulf; Betty McDaniel, Director of Finance and James Hockenberry, Superintendent
Absent: John Henry Holloway

Visitors: Carey Agnew, Special Education Director; Doug Boone, CHS Teacher/Coach; Sydney Brookshire, CHS Teacher; Kaylin Burleson, CHS Teacher; Tina Byrnes, SFE; Paul Cocklin, CISD Digital Learning Coordinator; CHS Students; Mike Elswick, Light and Champion; Fleashia Ford, CHS Teacher/Coach; Jim and Janell Gibson; Matt Gregory, CHS Principal; Heath Hagler, CIS Principal; Inez Hughes, FLM Principal; Gerardo Martinez, CHS Teacher/Coach; Courtney Mayfield, CHS Teacher; Holly Mikesh, Human Resources Director; Shelly Norvell, CES Principal; Scott Ponder, CISD Athletic Director; Teresa Richard, RTI Director; Linda Snell, Special Programs Director; Kevin Swor, CHS Teacher and Tony Turner, CHS Teacher/Coach

2. Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance
Mike Brister led the invocation, Aiden Hagler and Cale Henson led the Pledges.

3. Recognition of Center High School Students
Matt Gregory introduced the sponsors and coaches as they presented the CHS students and their achievements beyond District competition. The programs recognized: FFA, UIL, Athletics and One Act Play.

4. Public Comments/Audience Participation

5. Consent Agenda
Allison Johnson made a motion, seconded by Daphne LaRock, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the minutes from the regular meeting on April 18, 2019; Tax Office Report (April 2019); Financial Reports (April 2019); Payment Approval over $50,000; Investment Report (April 2019); Overnight Student Trips; Amendments to the Budget and the annual review of FFG Policy.
The motion carried 6-0.

6. Review Bond Project and Budget
Dr. Hockenberry provided the Board with the monthly update on the bond project.

7. Consideration and Discussion to Approve Inclusion of 200 Hall Option for Center High School HVAC Improvements
Allison Johnson made a motion, seconded by Deuce Wulf to approve Option C of the CHS HVAC redesign.
The motion carried 6-0.

8. Review, Discussion, and Consideration of TASB Pay Systems Review and Compensation for the 2019-2020 School Year Phase B
Allison Johnson made a motion, seconded by Deuce Wulf to approve Model 2 of the TASB pay systems review for non-exempt, professional and administrative personnel as presented by Superintendent Hockenberry.
The motion carried 6-0.

9. Consideration to Approve Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Property
Casey Lout made a motion, seconded by Deuce Wulf to approve the resolution authorizing the sale of surplus property.
The motion carried 6-0.

10. Consideration to Approve to Delegate Contractual Authority to the Superintendent Until September 1, 2019
Deuce Wulf made a motion, seconded by Casey Lout to delegate contractual authority to the Superintendent until September 1, 2019.
The motion carried 6-0.

11. Closed Session
Matthew Mettauer called for a closed session at 12:46 p.m. under Texas Government Code §551.071, §551.072, §551.074 and §551.129 for consideration of resignation/retirement of personnel; employment of contracted personnel and extended emergency sick leave.

12. Open Session
The Board returned into open session at 1:26 p.m. There was no action was taken in closed session.

12.1 District Employees and Officers: Texas Government Code §551.071, §551.074 and §551.129 for consideration of resignation/retirement of personnel; employment of contracted personnel and extended emergency sick leave.

12.1.1 Resignation/Retirement of Personnel
Traci Willoughby made a motion, seconded by Daphne LaRock to accept the resignation/retirements of contracted personnel as recommended by Superintendent Hockenberry.
Marina McLerran, CMS Assistant Band Director - resignation Roy McLerran, CMS Assistant Band Director - resignation Shelby Parker, CHS Teacher/Coach – resignation
The motion carried 6-0.

12.1.5 Employment of Personnel
Traci Willoughby made a motion, seconded by Deuce Wulf to approve the employment of personnel as recommended by Superintendent Hockenberry.
Sara Rupp, Teacher/Coach – Center High School Alicia Weaver, Teacher - Center Middle School
The motion carried 6-0.

12.1.6 Extended Emergency Sick Leave
Traci Willoughby made a motion, seconded by Deuce Wulf to approve the extended emergency sick leave as recommended by Superintendent Hockenberry.
Amanda Handy, Bus Driver – Transportation The motion carried 6-0.

14. Adjournment
Casey Lout made a motion, seconded by Allison Johnson, to adjourn the meeting at 1:28 p.m. The motion carried 6-0.