Center, Texas Weather Stats for December 2015

January 4, 2016 - Center, Texas Weather Stats for December 2015

Highest Temp was 82 degrees on 12-26-2015
Highest Temp on Record was 84 degrees on 12-06-1956
Lowest Temp was 30 degrees on 12-19-2015
Lowest Temp on Record was 2 degrees on 12-24-1989

Rainfall Recorded was 6.67 inches
Average Monthly Rainfall is 5.43 inches
Above Average by 1.24 inches
Highest Recorded for this Month was 14.23 inches in 2002
Lowest Recorded for this Month was 0.87 inches in 1980
Average Yearly Rainfall is 54.20 inches

Total Rainfall for the Year is 77.13 inches - a New Yearly Record Rainfall
22.93 inches above Yearly Rainfall in 2015
Previous Yearly Record Rainfall is 76.20 inches in 1997
0.93 inches above Previous Yearly Record Rainfall

Message from the Forbes, "Hard to believe by looking at these stats that we also had a summer drought this year isn't it? Happy New Year everybody and may you have a wonderful blessed 2016!"

Attached is the December, 2015 Center, TX Weather Report prepared and submitted by Jim and Ann Forbes, U.S. Weather Observers.