Center Weather Stats for January 2016

February 2, 2016 - We have had a mild winter so far, wonder what the Official Groundhog will have to say about the rest of our winter?

Highest Temp was 78 degrees on 1-31-2016
Highest Temp on Record was 85 degrees on 1-23-1943 and 1-26-1950
Lowest Temp was 26 degrees on 1-28-2016
Lowest Temp on Record was 5 degrees on 1-19-1940 and 1-12-1982

Rainfall Recorded was 3.67 inches
Average Monthly Rainfall is 4.45 inches
Below Average by 0.78 inches
Highest Recorded for this Month was 12.13 inches in 1999
Lowest Recorded for this Month was 0.57 inches in 1986

There were 10 days with temperatures of 32 degrees or lower
The High Temp of 78 degrees occurring on 1-31-2016 is being recorded on the morning of 2-01-2016 on the Official Weather Report as each day's high Temp is recorded at 7:00 a.m. the next morning.

January 2016 Center, TX Weather Report

Submitted by Jim and Ann Forbes, U.S. Weather Observers