Chair of SFA Department of Biology has Chapter Published in Oxford Series

September 2, 2016 - Dr. Stephen Mullin, chair of the Stephen F. Austin State University Department of Biology, had a chapter published in an Oxford University Press book that provides techniques for biologists who conduct conservation-oriented research.

“My chapter is titled Experimental Applications and deals with ways by which biologists can work with reptile species, in either field or laboratory settings, to examine behavioral, physiological or ecological responses to manipulative experiments,” Mullin explained. “As both scientists and the general public know, Earth is not static — think climate change, for example. So, it is important to understand how different species can respond to changes in the various parameters with which they interact in their habitats. My chapter describes the current state of our knowledge about those experimental applications that are specific to conservation objectives and that involve species of reptiles.”
The book, “Reptile Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques,” is the 13th in a series published by Oxford titled “Techniques in Ecology and Conservation.” Proceeds from the sale of the series are used to ship free copies of books to scientists based at institutions or agencies in developing nations.
“This is a fairly narrow area of biology, but one that I’ve been working in for more than 25 years,” Mullin said. “The book is meant as a resource for researchers who want summaries of current techniques and their applications to conservation objectives.”