September 27, 2017 - Notice is hereby given that a special called meeting of the governing body of the City of Tenaha will be held on Saturday – September 30, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall Council Meeting Room located at 238 N. George Bowers Drive in Tenaha, Texas. If during the course of the meeting, any discussion of items on the Agenda should be held in executive or closed session, the Council will convene in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Section 551.101 and Texas Revised Civil Statues.
Order of Business:
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
2. Welcome Guests / Public Comment
3. Re-Visit, Revise and Discuss Tabled Agenda Item #9 from Regular Scheduled Meeting on 9/25/2017 - FYE 2017-2018 Budget
4. Consider Approval of FYE 2017-2018 Budget - ACTION
5. Discuss and Consider Approval of 2017-2018 Tax Rate of .232800 per $100 - ACTION
6. Adjourn