City of Timpson Governing Body Notice of Meeting, June 19th

June 18, 2018 - Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the governing body of the above named City will be held on the 19th day of June, 2018 at 5:30 pm. at the City Hall, 456 Jacob Street, Timpson, Texas, at which time the following subjects will be considered, to-wit:

1. Call to Order:

2. Invocation:

3. Pledge: United States Pledge, Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state, under God, one, and indivisible.

4. Chamber of Commerce: Frontier Days will be July 5th, 6th, 7th and Community Church on the 8th.

5. Council Items: Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed 10 minutes will be devoted to these reports.

6. Presentations & Recognition: 6/13/18 Larry Burns celebrated his 24th year with the City of Timpson.

7. Citizens Input: This time is provided for members of the public to address the City Council on items that appear within the Consent and Action Items or a matter not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. A Citizens Input Form may be filled out and filed with the City Secretary prior to the meeting.

8. Department Reports:

A. Public Works Report: Larry Burns
B. Police Department Report: Kent Graham
C. Municipal Court Report: For the month of May 2018, there were 44 citations citations issued, 47 violations, 0 to juveniles and 1 to minors. Total amount reported $13,504.88, the city’s portion at 55% is $7,427.68.
D. City Secretary: Budget Meetings have been set: July 10th-Water Budget Meeting, July 24th-Electric Budget Meeting, July 31st-General Budget Meeting, August 6th-EDC Budget Meeting, Preliminary Budget at the August 21st Council Meeting and adopt the Final Budget at the September 18th Meeting. All meetings will be at City Hall at 3:00 pm. Any Council Members interested in attending must notify the City Secretary.

9. Consent Agenda: Items included under the Consent Agenda require little or no Deliberation by the Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Secretary to proceed with the conclusion of each item as reflected in the Minutes of this meeting.

A. Consider approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 15th, 2018 
B. Consider approval of Financial Statement for the month of May, 2018
C. Consider approval of Accounts Payable – Unpaid bills for May, 2018 

10. Discuss and possibly take action: Take Patrick Hendrick off the signature card at Austin Bank for the two Fire Department Accounts Checking 4636221 and the Now Acct (Savings) 4636114. He is no longer the Fire Chief and no one else will be added due to the potential yearly changes in the selection of Chief.

11. Discuss and possibly take action: Repair a section of Timpson Street with 24 foot 60” RCP culvert. Two bids received, Angelina Excavating for $11,709.00 and Duplichain for $7,500.00.

12. Discuss and possibly take action: Sign Contract with OTX Oil & Gas for the lease 33.74 acres at $350.00 per acre for Survey William Gainer A-255, location is the Sewer Plant.

13. Adjourn:

The Council reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda whenever it is considered necessary and is legally justified under the Open Meetings Act.

This facility is wheelchair accessible and wheelchair parking is available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary at 254-2421 for further information or needed assistance.

This agenda is posted as required under Government Code Section 551.041. For more information or for a copy of the open meetings act, please contact the Attorney General of Texas at 1-800-252-8011 or the City Secretary at 936-254-2421.