City of Timpson

Timpson City Council Regular Meeting Agenda, July 16

July 15, 2024 - Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the governing body of the above-named City will be held on the 16th day of July, 2024 at 4pm at Timpson Volunteer Fire Dept, 305 Jacob Street, Timpson, Texas, for Public Works interviews and 5:30 pm for the Regular Meeting at which time the following subjects will be considered, to-wit:  

1. Call to Order

2. Invocation

3. Pledge: United States Pledge, Texas Pledge             

Timpson City Council Special Meeting Agenda, Apr. 1

March 27, 2024 - Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the governing body of the City of Timpson will be held on the 1st day of April 2024 at 5:30 PM at Timpson City Hall, 456 Jacob St., Timpson, Texas, at which time the following subjects will be considered, to-wit:  

1. Discuss and possibly take action:  Discuss and consider approval of the revised quote from Simply Aquatics for media screens.

2. Adjourn.

Timpson City Council Regular Meeting Agenda, Jan. 16

January 11, 2024 - Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the governing body of the City of Timpson will be held on the 16th day of January, 2024 at 5:30pm at Timpson City Hall, 456 Jacob Street, Timpson, Texas, at which time the following subjects will be considered, to-wit:
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge: United States Pledge, Texas Pledge              

Timpson City Council Special Meeting Agenda, Dec. 11

December 6, 2023 - Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the governing body of the City of Timpson will be held on the 11th day of December 2023 at 5:30 PM at Timpson City Hall, 456 Jacob St., Timpson, Texas, at which time the following subjects will be considered, to-wit:  

1. Discuss and possibly take action:  Review and discuss the quotes received for the interior painting of City Hall to include ceiling, walls, cabinets, and crown mold.

2. Adjourn.

Timpson City Council Special Meeting Agenda, June 27

June 23, 2023 - Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the governing body of the City of Timpson will be held on the 27th day of June, 2023 at 5pm at Timpson City Hall, 456 Jacob St., Timpson, Texas, at which time the following subjects will be considered, to-wit:  

1. Discuss and possibly take action:  Discuss and possibly take action to approve the bid received from Sanders Creek for the construction project on 3rd St.

Timpson City Council Meeting Agenda for May 16

May 12, 2023 - Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the governing body of the above-named City will be held on the 16th day of May, 2023 at 5:30pm at Timpson City Hall, 456 Jacob Street, Timpson, Texas, at which time the following subjects will be considered, to-wit: 

1. Call to Order

2. Invocation

3. Pledge: United States Pledge, Texas Pledge

4. Council Items: Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed 10 minutes will be devoted to these reports.


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