Commissioners Learn of Jail Plumbing Issues, Approve Constable Donation

September 1, 2021 - The Shelby County Commissioners were updated during their meeting August 18, 2021, on Shelby County Jail plumbing issues.

Shelby County Judge Allison Harbison explained a plumbing inspection camera had been fed into the jail plumbing system to help determine some issues with the system and Gary Adams with DRG Architects addressed the court.

"We ran a camera down your main drains, we knew we had problems," said Adams. "The camera was showing us some low spots in the line."

Other parts of the system Adams described sounded never ending, as they sent the camera through the system without coming to an end. Areas where water disappears beneath the jail were also discovered, which Adams says may be causing other issues with the building.

After extensive discussion on the possibility, a motion carried to have DRG Architects put together a contractual package and proposal for the county attorney to review and bring it back to court for approval.

The commissioners considered the possibility of approving a donation in the amount of $1,500 to the Constable Precinct 5 office. Constable Tipton explained the previous donation he received was for anything needed for his office and for the new truck the county purchased for the Precinct 5 Constable office. The $1,500 would also be toward needed equipment and was made by M&M, Charles and Brenda Mackey.

A motion carried to approve the donation.

The commissioners discussed Sheriff and Constable fees for the service of legal documents. After discussion, it was decided to table the Sheriff and Constable fees until potential adjustments could be reviewed by County Attorney Gary Rholes.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:11am.

Agenda items approved during the meeting include:
1. Pay weekly expenses.
2. Current payroll.
3. Contract with DRG Architects, LLC to prepare a plan to repair the County Jail plumbing issues.  
4. Donation to Constable Pct. 5 in the amount of $1,500 from Charles and Brenda Mackey.  
5. Resolution and agreements regarding the federally approved off-system bridge projects located at CR 4760 at the Attoyac Bayou Relief and at CR 3047 at Prairie Creek.
6. Road closure for construction of a new bridge on CR 3047 at Prairie Creek with the project begin date of May 2024.
7. Road closure for construction of a new bridge on CR 4760 at Attoyac Bayou Relief with the project begin date of May 2024.
8. Adjourn - 11:11am.

1. Sheriff and Constable Fees.