David’s Daily Devotion for November 15

November 15, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Tuesday, November 15.

On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus didn’t discover the New World. He discovered tobacco. Soon tobacco was one of the largest cash crops in Europe. And, surprisingly, considering what we know today, tobacco was touted as a health aid!

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

In the late 1800's the people who made Aspirin came up with a new wonder drug. It was said to make you feel strong and "heroic". They called it heroin. And you could buy it over the counter. Around the same time you could buy cocaine the same way. Or you could just drink a new soda called Coca Cola. Radium was put in face cream and tooth paste and even food. Again, it was supposed to be good for you - despite the little fact that it was RADIOACTIVE!

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Can you think back on decisions in your life that seemed like a good idea at the time, but turned out badly. I think we probably all can. And the Bible is filled with characters who took wrong turns. So what can we do? Isaiah 30:21 gives us a clue.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it."

Struggling over a decision? Search the scriptures. Pray. And listen for His voice.

Meet you back here tomorrow,

Bro. David