By Bro. David Mathis

David’s Daily Devotion for July 25

July 25, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Thursday, July 25.

We're just one day away from the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympic Games. The closing ceremony will be Sunday, August 11, and, in between, we'll see over 10,000 athletes from more than 200 countries striving to win the gold. It happens every four years - well, the last one was just three years ago because of Covid - but let's not remember that! It's time for a whole new set of memories, for a whole new set of memorable moments.

David’s Daily Devotion for July 24

July 24, 2024 - Good Morning!  It's Wednesday, July 24.

On this day in 1725, a boy was born in England.  His father was a ship's captain.  His mother died when he was six.  And at the young age of 11, his father took him to sea.  He, too, became captain of a ship, a slave ship.  Later he would share the testimony of a storm that arose one night on the sea, a night when John Newton experienced a life-changing spiritual conversion.

David’s Daily Devotion for July 23

July 23, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, July 23.

Are you excited about the Summer Olympics? The opening ceremonies in Paris are just three days away. I'm a big Olympics fan. I had the chance to attend the winter games when they were in Salt Lake City in 2002. As a kid, I'd be glued to the TV set from start to finish.

Does the Bible mention the Olympics? The ancient games were held from about 800 B.C. to 400 AD. That encompasses much of the Old Testament and all of the New. But, although sports are mentioned in the Word of God, the Olympic Games are not.

David’s Daily Devotion for July 22

July 22, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Monday, July 22.

My sister and brother-in-law paid us a visit this past weekend. They live in San Antonio - six hours from East Texas - and so we don't get to see them as often as we'd like. It was a blessing to have our families together for a few days.

Carolyn has always been, more than any of my siblings, the one who has worked to keep our family connected - the "glue". I think most families have someone like that, someone who understands the importance of family unity, someone who nurtures and encourages the ties that bind.

David’s Daily Devotion for July 18

July 18, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Thursday, July 18.

Don't look now, East Texas, but so far, we're having a relatively wet and cool summer. We're past the halfway point and haven't gotten near triple digits yet. That might not qualify as cool in most parts of the country, but it's practically balmy around here. And the grass is still green. Remember how everything turned a lovely shade of brown during last year's long, hot, dry summer?

So, we count our blessings. And refresh out souls with some refreshing scripture verses.

David’s Daily Devotion for July 17

July 17, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

On this day, in 2009, Walter Cronkite died. He was the anchorman of the CBS Evening News from 1962 to 1981. That was a time before 24-hour cable and the Internet, a time when people watched the same TV program at the same time. And most of America watched "Uncle Walter" deliver the news of the day.

David's Daily Devotion for July 15

July 15, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Monday, July 15.

And Jesus said to His disciples, Go into all the world, and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Mark 16:15

For decades, First Baptist Church of Center has been broadcasting a Bible lesson and a worship service each Sunday morning. When internet technology became available, our technicians were quick to make use of this new tool. Last night I was reminded of just how powerful and amazing that tool is.


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