By Bro. David Mathis

David's Daily Devotion for May 20

May 20, 2024 - Good Morning!  It's Monday, May 20.

Our pastor is preaching a sermon series through the mighty Twelfth Chapter of Romans.  It is a powerhouse passage where the Apostle Paul lays out a blueprint for living the Christian life.  Just like these Daily Devotions, you can read Romans 12 in about two minutes, and I encourage you to do that today.

David’s Daily Devotion for May 16

May 16, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Thursday, May 16.

When these Daily Devotions began in March of 2020, my audience was primarily the members of our church choir. And so, looking back, many of those first little thoughts were stories behind hymns. God has blessed by expanding our readership and broadening our audience, and so I don't write about hymns as much now. But the stories are still interesting and powerful. Here's one.

David’s Daily Devotion for May 15

May 15, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, May 15.

Four years ago, this week, our church was preparing for a very important Sunday. We were opening our worship center back up to the public after the Covid pandemic shutdown. What a long, strange trip that had been. During that time, like most churches, we were broadcast only. A "skeleton crew" of about a dozen people would come to the church each Sunday morning to send out a Bible lesson and a worship service.

David's Daily Devotion for May 14

May 14, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, May 14.

There are certain moments in life that carry a powerful resonance. A graduation ceremony is one of those moments, and it's graduation season once again! But this year we hear of the many colleges that are cancelling their ceremonies because of campus unrest. I feel sorry for those young people, many of whom finished high school in May of 2020 and saw those graduations cancelled because of Covid. That just doesn't seem fair.

David's Daily Devotion for May 13

May 13, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Monday, May 13.

On May 13, 1767, the composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, wrote his first opera. He was eleven years old. He began writing music at the age of four. At four, I was learning to tie my shoes. When he was eight, Mozart finished his first symphony. I was doing a serious study of Saturday morning cartoons.

David's Daily Devotion for May 8

May 8, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, May 8.

We're in a short series on mothers of the Bible, and I've tried to focus on some women who are not as well-known as Mary or Eve. And so, we've looked at Jochebed, the mother of Moses, and Eunice, the mother of Timothy. Today's character is so little known that we don't even know her name. Theologians refer to her as the Syrophoenician Woman . She was a mother of strong character and keen intellect, and she made a distinct impression on Jesus. And she deserves her moment in the spotlight.

David’s Daily Devotion for May 7

May 7, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, May 7.

We continue today with our series on mothers in the Bible, as we approach Mother's Day. This morning our focus is on a woman, like yesterday's character, Jochebed, who receives very little notice in scripture, but who made a big impact on the kingdom of God. Jochebed gave the world Moses. Today we look at Eunice, who gave us Timothy.


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