David's Daily Devotion for May 17

May 17, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Friday, May 17.

This Daily Devotion first ran on May 17, 2021.

Today I focus on the spiritual doctrine . . . of the front porch. I searched and searched for the scripture verses that support this doctrine but have yet to find them. I know that they must be there, because there's such power in the porch. Power to restore our minds, our bodies, our spirits, our souls. I haven't always had a front porch, but I have one now, and I was sitting on it early this morning, watching the sun come up, listening to the birds tuning their instruments, enjoying the cool spring air.

A porch is most certainly a gift of God. You're outside, but you're protected from the sun and shielded from the rain. Your neighbors can wave but may only approach if you give them the okay. And you can politely and discreetly observe their comings and goings from your exalted spot upon your front porch.

This morning the red birds and the blue jays and the purple martins were putting on a show for free. And I was joined in the porch swing by a young cat, who pretended not to notice the birds. Later, my three-year-old granddaughter came out of the house, and we were reminded that a porch is just about the perfect place to blow bubbles. I recalled a similar scene from the past, sitting in a porch swing blowing bubbles with her mother.

A porch has a way of bringing old memories back to your mind. And it can make you thankful for the present and hopeful for the future. Definitely a gift from God. After we finished with the bubbles, my granddaughter and I discussed the biblical truths in the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. But that's a devotion for another day.

Meet you back here on Monday,
Bro. David