Elections Administrator Addresses Incorrect Social Media Election Information

August 5, 2024 - Recently I saw the following post on social media: “… if you are checking in at the polls and they happen to write anything on your ballot before they give it to you, please request a new ballot. Your ballot could be disqualified if it is written on. Please be on the lookout for this type of behavior.” 

I do not know about other states, but this is absolutely not true in Texas, per the Texas Election Code.

Section 62.008 – Presiding Judge to sign ballots:
(a) The presiding judge’s signature shall be placed on the back of each ballot to be used at the polling place.
(b) The judge shall sign each ballot or an election officer shall stamp a facsimile of the judge’s signature on each ballot.
(c) The signing of ballots need not be completed before the polls open, but an unsigned ballot may not be made available for selection by the voters.

Section 85.0311 – Early Voting Clerk to sign ballots:
(a) The early voting clerk’s initials shall be placed on the back of each ballot to be used at the polling place.
(b) The early voting clerk shall enter the initials on each ballot or a deputy early voting clerk shall stamp a facsimile of the initials on each ballot.

Please do not hesitate to contact my office at 936-598-5340 or 936-234-2147 with any questions or concerns in regard to voter registration and/or elections.

Nancy Adams, Shelby County Elections Administrator