Family and Friends Day by Joan Garrett

August 21, 2018 – On Sunday August 19, I participated in two types of “Family and Friends Day in Houston. What exactly is the meaning of this day?

In most towns, churches have days set aside once a year for family and friends to worship with a member of the church. The attendees will hear a nice sermon on families and perhaps friends as taken from the Bible. Many ‘AMENS’ are heard all while wishes are being made for the close of the service so the FOOD can be served. Finally, introductions are made and sometimes there is a competition to see which member had the most family and friends there with them. In some cases members who turn in the most money that Sunday get recognized. Once Service is over, lines are formed to get the buffet of parade of salads or some soul food dinners. A small token of thanks for visiting is also given to the visitors. 

The other type of Family and Friends day is when a person gives a milestone birthday party at a rented place or at their home. Family and friends are invited to celebrate this milestone with the honoree. Pictures are shown and taken, stories are told praising or roasting, and if you are lucky entertainment other than ‘line dancing’ is available. As at the church, FOOD is served and most of the time we see ‘take out’ plates being packed because the family and friends’ s eyes were bigger than their stomach could hold; wanting a little of this and a little of that as they go through the line. After dinner the 'Happy Birthday' song is given, and cake is served before the visitors start to leave. If you have noticed that presents are opened if it is a child’s party but not really if the adult is the honoree. Most of the time money is pinned on the adult. It appears to be a great day for both types of ‘Family and Friends’ Days.

Thus, one can spend a full day if these two types occur on the same day. Happy Family and Friends Day and Happy Birthday to the readers who have gone through these days…