In God’s Word by Mike Mills, Mar 29

March 29, 2016 - The entire chapter of the 96th Psalm is one song of praise to the Lord and His glory. It calls on all believers to sing His praises. It doesn't say so, but I believe it is a song of the Sabbath Day, the day each week when believers gather together and sing His praises in unison.

Chapter 96 tells us of many things; for us to proclaim the good news daily, to declare His glory among nations, of His honor and majesty and strength and beauty. Of the praise that we to give to Him, that we are to bring offerings into His court, to worship Him and to tremble before Him. And, lastly that He is coming back, He is coming back to judge the earth and all it’s people.

Our text for today is just verses 8 through 10 so we will look at them now. Verse 8; “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name; bring an offering, and come into His courts.” The name of Jesus has been lifted above all other names and we are instructed here to give to Him all the glory that is due. This would be ALL glory for no other is worthy of glory here on earth.

As it tells us that He is coming back to judge this world, and we know that every head shall bow and every knee shall bend when the world sees the glory of the Lord in all His power and majesty.

Verse 9;”Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! Fear before Him, all the earth.” As Moses was in awe of the Lord in the burning bush, so shall all people be in awe of Him when He returns in power and glory. We can’t add to His glory, but we can acknowledge His glory in everything we do. All things we do should be done for the glory of God for we are to; “fear God and keep His commandments, that is the sole duty of man”. (Eccl 12:13) If we are truly saved and do belong to the Lord then He has the right to expect us to glorify Him each day in worship to Him.

Verse 10; “Say among the heathen that; “The Lord reigneth; The world also shall be established, that it shall not be moved; He shall judge the people righteously.” We are to come into His House willingly, bringing gifts of support and giving ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service. “He has shown you o man what is good; and what does He require of you; but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.” (Micah 6:8) When this is done, there will be grateful praise to God, generous contributions to God’s work, and devoted service by His children. All glory be to the Lord God, Amen…

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